Chapter 19

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"This has to work." Lavender told herself as she flew through the Rainforest, flying past flicks of parrots or groups of toucans. Sometimes she'd pass a group of howler monkeys that make their presence well known, almost as though they wanted to be eaten by wandering dragons. She'd tuck in her wings to dodge vines or just to fit through smaller spaced trees or branches.

"Three moons Lavender! Slow down!" Salamander hissed from behind.

The two of them had been flying for a few hours, heading towards the centre of the Rainforest Kingdom to where Queen Dandelion and King Palmtree's large hut tree was located. The royal family had the whole tree to themselves with huts and hammocks that hung from each branch. Lavender had even heard the tree itself was hallow and used as a palace. It was one of the larger trees in the Rainforest, meaning it's trunk was thicker along with its branches, it also was taller, so the base of its canopy brushed the tops of the other trees that grew around it.

"Three moons Salamander! Speed up!" She called back as she stuck out her tongue, earning a playful glare from the other hybrid.

"You're so childish." The other hybrid commented once she caught up to Lavender, the two now flying side by side, well, as much as they could in the Rainforest canopy that seemed to be woven like a spiders web in vines and branches.

"Then I guess I fit the part." Lavender shot back. If Salamander kept insisting she looked like a dragonet, why not play the part? Besides, I'd be funny to see how long it takes until she gets annoyed, she thought with a smirk.

"Why are you smirking?" Salamander deadpanned.

"No reason." She smiled innocently.

Salamander looked at her with narrowed eyes for a few moments, letting out a hum of thought.

"Yeah you're up to something." The other hybrid stated plainly, earning an offended noise from Lavender.

"I am certainly not! How dare you assume such a thing! Me?! Really!?" Lavender gasped, acting as though she were really offended by Salamander's words.

"Okay now I definitely know you're up to something."

"I would never!"

"I wouldn't lie Lavender, it's not a good look on you." Salamander smirked.

"Oh and it's a good look on you?" She questioned, earning a chuckle from the other hybrid who had now ended up flying behind the smaller purple hybrid.

"I dunno, what do you think?"

"I'm not going to answer that."

"Oh come on," Salamander laughed as she tucked in her wings to fly through some vines with a twirl, as though she were trying to show off to Lavender. The smaller hybrid watched her, trying to keep the most unimpressed face she could muster, but she couldn't help but roll her eyes, the bridge of her snout turning pink slightly, the scales shifting colour lightly. "Tell me. I bet I look gorgeous no matter what I do."

She's not wrong, she thought, but after a few seconds she realized what she just though and she started grumbling to herself with a huff.

"Stop doing that!"

"Doing what?" Salamander asked innocently, her smirk broadening, ad though she enjoyed seeing Lavender like this.

"That!" She jabbed a talon in Lavender's direction, no longer looking where she was flying.

"You just pointed to all of me princess."

"Stop giving me that cute fa-" Lavender was cut off as she was tugged back. Salamander looked to shoot past her since she now was no longer flying. Lavender let out a gasp of air, air that felt as though it'd been forced from her lungs. She let out a groan when she tried to move, she was wrapped in vines that felt as though they clung to her body. She struggled, trying to get herself out, but it only seemed to make it worse.

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