Chapter 3

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Lavender felt pride swelling side of her as she and Sapphire were walking down one of the paths through the village. They had spent a little while at the river and after they had finished their foolishness, they went to go catch some fish, or at least try to.

Sapphire was carrying a good sized fish, it's silver scales glittering in the sunlight as it's mouth hub open agape as it's lifeless body hung from the SeaWing's jaws.

Lavender had several failed attempts at catching any fish, but she finally managed to catch one. Sure it was small, maybe the size of palm, but at least she managed to catch one! She was carrying hers from her jaws as well, carrying it by it's tail fins.

The two dragons were walking town through the village as they were on their way to find Funnel and Shadowsplitter. As the two walked, Lavender felt herself growing hungrier by the second, so she couldn't wait any longer before she ate the fish she had caught, it tasted wonderful and she let a out a him of delight as she swallowed it.

Lavender looked over to Sapphire to see the princess looking at her. "What?" She couldn't help but ask.

Didn't you want to wait before you ate your fish so you could show your brother? She heard her friend ask in her head. Lavender was happy she had mind reading abilities thanks to her NightWing genetics, so she wouldn't have to listen to Sapphire's awful attempts to speak with a fish in her mouth.

"Yeah, but I was hungry and it smelled so good, I couldn't hold myself back." The hybrid smiled as they kept walking.

You can't ever hold back, Sapphire shot back with a smile on the SeaWing's round face and a playful roll of her bright ocean blue eyes that looked to sparkle in the sunlight, sparkling like the surface of a pool of crystal clear water.

"Of course I can!"


"I'll prove it!" She huffed, her frills twitching at the sides of her head along with her wings.

How do you plan to do that? Sapphire asked with a tilt of her head as they kept walking.

"Umm, I don't know, I'll find a way to prove it to you that I can hold myself ba- what's going on?" Lavender and Sapphire has both stopped at the sight just a few wing lengths away.

There was a group of dragons gathering, not many, but still noticeable. There were a few SkyWing's and some groups of MudWing's along with a SandWing or SeaWing here and there, but the most common in the small cluster of grouping dragon was NightWing's.

The two didn't speak as they made their way closer towards the gathering dragons. They soon could hear somebody talking, their voice smooth and masculine, it was a charming voice, once that sounded as though it belonged to royalty. As the two got closer, Lavender could soon see who was speaking.

"Aren't you tired of the same old Queen who doesn't care for you or your family's wellbeing?" It was a dragon who looked strange in appearance. He had dark blue, almost black, scales with white spots running down in a line along his side, just like a NightWing. He looked like one too, but the underside of his wings sparkled and were bright blues and greens in colouration with small star like white spots that looked to shimmer. He had the frills of a RainWing on the sides of his heads that matched the underside of his wings, he also had the horns of a RainWing as well. His eyes were a dark blue like the depths of the sea. He had glowing markings around his eyes and along the underside of his belly much like a SeaWing's. What made the dragon even more flashy looking was all he jewelry he wore. Who in all of Pyrrha even needed that much jewelry?

"Well, you're in luck! My fellow NightWing's!" There was a charming smile on his face, showing off his sparkling white teeth. "The day is soon to come for a new era where we no longer have to live scattered across Pyrrha! But instead, living together in our own kingdom! One we have all longed for, one we all wished to actually belong to." He spoke, his voice sounding like music in all their ears.

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