Chapter 27

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The next few months seemed to pass by in a blur. The Night Kingdom was saved and was much safer under the rule of Queen Misfortunate. The NightWing ruled with a kind heart and she listened to every single one of her subjects.

Lavender had decided to stick around for a while to help Misfortunate, since the NightWing asked for her assistance in getting used to ruling over a tribe. Salamander stayed with her and the hybrid hardly ever left Lavender's side.

Silentseer wasn't seen around to much, since Misfortunate asked him to be her personal advisor, which he agreed with excitement.

After the fight Misfortunate had with Animosity, the NightWing and her Tribrid partner haven't been seen anywhere since, almost as though they've vanished.

Lavender was walking down the halls of the NightWing palace, Salamander walking in stride beside her.

"You know," Salamander started, gaining the smaller hybrids attention. "You shouldn't gotten rid of that earring."

Lavender groaned as she hung her head back. "Ughhhhhhhhh not this againnnnnnn."

"Yes this again!" Salamander smirked before she continued. "I'm just saying, that it could've been really useful in the future."

"Nope, I don't like enchanted stuff, it's bad enough I had to carry it for a week in order to give it to Queen Scorpion so she could lock it away with the rest of Rattlesnake's enchanted items."

"How do you know Rattlesnake was the one to enchant it?"

"It gave off a bad feeling, a looking shadow waiting to swallow you hole and trap you for the rest of eternity." She described as she used her talons to demonstrate.

The two of them had stopped walking for a few moments as they were both silent just, looking at each other. Salamander was the first to break the silence as she started to laugh.

"That's very specific!"

"Well I had to describe it to you so of course it was specific!" Lavender laughed as she ran slightly to catch up with the older hybrid.

"Well, anyways! Back to our conversa-"

"Nooooopeee! Change of subject!" Lavender shouted playfully with a flick of her tail. "You're turning nine soon, right?"

Salamander gave her a playful pouty look as her cheeks puffed up slightly before she shook her head and smiled. "Yup! In three days I'll nine! Wow, I feel old."

"Oh shush you're not that old." She smirked as she watched Salamander slap her shoulder with one of her wings.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Lavender couldn't help but laugh, her laughter echoing off the palace walls.


"Oh it definitely means something if you're laughing!"

"Nope! Anyways!" Lavender calmed down her laughter as she watched Salamander pout once more being seemingly giving up on the current subject at talon.

"Fine, anyways! When will you be turning eight?"

"In a few weeks, and by that I mean two." Lavender huffed. Shadowsplitter would be turning twelve a few days before she turned eight.

"You still look like you're five though, just saying."

"I do not!"

"You so do!" Salamander laughed.

The pair of hybrids continued to make their way around the palace until they came to a stop by one of the large windows that looked out to the horizon, to the lands of Pyrrha that seemed to be starting to turn red with the setting of the sun.

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