Chapter 21

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"Salamander, I swear, you're going to break something." Lavender groaned as she watched the older hybrid shuffle around Strongwings personally library. It was just a small side room that was practically stuffed with bookshelves along every wall which were stuffed full of scrolls and books. Lavender was seated at the table that was in the middle of the room. Several scrolls were laid out before her.

"I'm not going to break anything." Salamander insisted as she bumbled into a shelf, knocking all of the scrolls out and onto the floor. The older hybrid looked at her through the corner of her eye, as bough she was expecting to be scolded.

Lavender didn't even react as she watched the other hybrid start to clean up the mess, picking up the scrolls and placing them back. "See, nothing broken and no mess to be see-" just then her tails smacked into another shelf, emptying it all into the floor like the first.

This was a bad idea, Lavender thought as she started to bang her head repeatedly on the table.

The door creaked open and Lavender took a second to stop banging her head on the table to see Sapphire standing there with a slightly confused look as she took in the scene before her.

"Would, like some help?" The SeaWing offered softly.

"Everything's fine!" Salamander insisted, which made Lavender wonder why she'd even stopped banging her head in the first place.

"Salamander, how about you go get us some breakfast." Lavender suggested, which made the older hybrid pause.

"Yeah, sure, breakfast, got it. I can do that."

Lavender watched as Salamander made her way out of the room as Sapphire moved out of her way.

"Make sure not to knock the whole rainforest down." She huffed, earning a look from the other hybrid.

"I'm not that clumsy."

Lavender raised an eyebrow as if to say "really?" which just made Salamander give her a smile before she disappeared.

Sapphire looked at Lavender before she made her way over to the spilled pile of scrolls, which she started to pick up and put back. The small SeaWing was small enough to where she didn't knock anything else over.

"You two seem to be close." She light blue and pink SeaWing said with a soft smile.

"I wouldn't say close, I'd rather say a-dragon-that-I'm-stuck-with-since-she-decided-to-follow-me-across-the-Sky-Kingdom-and-I-still-don't-know-why-I-even-let-her."

"I'd say that's close."

"Don't make me kick you out too."

Sapphire gave her a laugh in return, the small SeaWing's laugh was high in pitch and bubbly. Anyone who heard it could hardly resist the urge to laugh along side her, and neither could Lavender as she chuckled lightly.

The room went into a peaceful silent for a few moments, neither of them making a sound. Sapphire continued to pick up and carefully place scrolls back into their proper shelves while Lavender silently read over the scrolls in front of her, any that she could find on the last RainWing Queen named Harmony. Which felt fitting to Lavender.

Queen Harmony, she thought with a light hum as she read the scrolls she held within her talons.

The Tale of Queen Harmony
Queen Harmony was the last pure RainWing Queen to rule over the NightWing's and RainWing's after the NightWing's kingdom began to crumble as the tribe fell into ruins.

The NightWing's kingdom was falling apart after their Queen perished without a trace, almost as though she vanished into thin air. The kingdom was in a wide panic as they no longer had a Queen to rule them over nor any descendants of the royal family. Other kingdoms began to nip and pry at the NightWing's, their curiosity growing with no word from the Queen. Other tribes began to steal from their palace and soon word got out about the Queen's disappearance.

Wings of Fire; Torn Between SidesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang