Chapter 9

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Waiting, that's all she did for the rest of that day. Wait wait wait wait WAIT. She swore that she wouldn't die of old age or taking down a big evil dragon, oh no, you'd be mistaken. She'd probably die of boredom from waiting.

And here lies Lavender, how'd she die again? Oh, right, the most boring way possible and she'll never be remembered.

She groaned from where she was laying on her back by the river, the soft fluffy grass comforting her body against the solid soil beneath her. She could hear the soft ripple of the water not to far from her.

Seated on the other side of the river bank was Salamander, the splotchy hybrid was doing something, what ever it was, she didn't care. Why should she?

Wait, no that's now a bad word! Ummmm, hold on a minute. Yes! Much better! Now, hold on a minute, I could just listen to her thoughts for a bit, maybe that'd be entertaining, she thought to herself as she stretched all four of her limbs up in the air. She would do this as a dragonet too, pretending to walk upside down like a flipped over tortuous.

"You look ridiculous." Her brother told her flatly from where he sat beside her, watching her walk upside down on the ground.

"No! You do!" She stuck her tongue out.

She was soon to be a year old, her hatching day wasn't that far away, her older brother was four, yet he acted as though he were already six. His hatching day was only a few months ago! He didn't need to rush to become six, because then he'd have to act more adult like, which, he would never be able to do.

"Uh huh."

"Nuh huh."

"Uh Huh."

"Nuh Huh!"

"What are you both bickering about?" Their mothers soft voice could be heard from their hut that was less than a wing length away from where they were.

"Lavender is being weird." Her brother pointed towards her as though Orchid would've forgotten who her own daughter was, or as though she couldn't see her.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"How about you both be weird together?"

"Huh?" The two siblings said in unison, looking towards their mother with confused and curious eyes, Lavender even sat up to see her mother properly.

Orchid's warm orange and brown scales looked to glow warmly in the sunlight. Her scales weren't like Lavender's, at least not in colouration. Lavender was purple with some pink spots, nothing like her mother. Her dad was also grey. Shadowsplitter blended in well with his dark brown to grey scales.

Strongwings told her that her grandfather had dark purple and blue scales, so maybe she got them from him. Or it could've been her RainWing genetics that picked her colours at random.

"I said, why don't you both be weird together."

"But why?" Her brother questioned, her nodding along.

"Weird is fun," their mother smiled. "It's something new, everyone wants to be normal, but is there a real reason for it?"

"Um, no?" Lavender spoke up.

"So why not be weird? You'll be unique and special." She rubbed the two dragonet's cheeks with her talons, her warm smile never leaving her face. "Now, how about we all be weird and let's see if we can get your dad to join in too."

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