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Kylie's POV

I woke up and my legs were sore. Very sore. I winced with almost every step I took to the bathroom. Niall was still asleep in bed. I went into the bathroom and saw bruises all down my hips and a couple on my thighs. Damn. I walked into the kitchen and made some coffee while I turned the tv on. I was in the kitchen with my back turned to the tv when the news came on.

"Robert Shaw from Bradford, England has been sentenced with 20 years to life with charges of rape and domestic violence. And an update is he might have something to do with the death of late wife Lauren Carter. More about this shocking update coming up next."

My breathe hitched in my throat. Tears started forming in my eyes and I couldn't believe what was going on. Choking sobs started coming out of me as I at slowly on the couch bringing my knees to my chest.

"Babe are you-" Niall's sleepy voice was cut off by the news.

" Robert Shaw has been a new suspect in the death of his late wife Lauren Carter. Shaw has been suspected of man slaughter while his wife was driving home. Shaw took control of the wheel purposely running the car into oncoming traffic."

I sobbed even harder. All this time it was him. He did this to my mom. It was ALL HIM. Niall pulled me into a hug rocking back and forth trying to calm me down.

"Evidence hasn't yet been confirmed but soon will be. We will be back with more on this story when it is"

Was the last thing the news reporter said before Niall cut off the tv. He picked me up setting me on his lap still rocking back or forth with one hand in my hair and another rubbing circles on my back. I gripped my arms around his waist and buried my fave into his neck.

"I'm so so so so sorry princess" he apologized. But for what? None of this is his fault. I cried and cried until there were no more tears left. It reminded me of when they had told me she died, I was locked up in my room for days crying my eyes out. Now that I remember Rob and mom went out to a little adult club that night.

I was shaking in his arms now not crying anymore, how could I when I had no tears left. Niall had stopped rocking and we slithered down to the floor. Niall placed gentle kisses on top of my head every so often. I soon calmed down still in his lap. I looked up to Niall and he had been crying too but not as bad as me. My eyes felt swollen and my nose burned from sniffling so much. Niall leaned in gently placing a kiss to my lips as if they would shatter if he touched them. He then kissed my forehead letting my head fall on his shoulder. My phone rang from the couch signally I had a phone call.

"Hello" my voice was awful and shaky.

" I take it you saw the news. I'm so sorry honey. We are all here for you if you need us" grans voice rang through the phone. A tear slipped from my eyes.

"Uh thanks gran. And I know I might come back when I get home. I'm at the Bahamas" I said wiping my eyes sniffling again.

"Please do honey. And cam is fine by the way. He misses you a lot." I let another sob out. Cameron. What are we going to tell him when he gets older. Your dad killed our mum. No.

"That's good gran. I better get going" I said. She said ok and we hung up. I sighed and looked at Niall. He reached up and wiped the tears away with his thumb. I hugged him tightly for another hour until I felt like getting up. I sluggishly got out of Niall's grip and started to walk up stairs.

"I'm gonna go take a shower " I said my voice raspy.

"Ok princess" was all I heard him say. When I got into the bathroom I ran the water so that it was hot. I stripped out of my clothes and took my hair out of the bun it was in letting it fall all the way down to mid back. I need a trim, just a trim. I hoped in the shower and let the hot water burn my skin. In a way it felt good. I started to think about everything that just happened. Rob killed my mum in the car accident he claimed to have nothing to do with. H came home with the police officer and told me to my face that my mum was in an accident and he survived. How this was possible I don't know. He never shed a tear ya know. At the funeral,after the funeral, when she was pronounced dead, nothing. I hate him like I always have. I will always hate him.

I tilted my head back and let the water burn my scalp and drench my hair. I ran my fingers through it a couple of times getting the loose hairs out. I turned around and let the water run over the bruises from Niall last night, I chuckled slightly looking at them. The difference between these bruises and the ones Rob gave me is simply this: Niall's bruises are from love and passion, Rob's were from hatred and drunkenness.

After another 20 minutes in the shower I got out feeling much better. I wrapped a fowl around my body and went into the bedroom. What should I wear? What are we gonna do today?

"Niall!!!!!!" I yelled. Within seconds we was at the door as if he was already walking up the stairs.

"Yea babe" he asked looking at me biting his lip.

"What are we doing today?" I asked looking at him innocently.

"Do you wanna go inland we could go shopping and stuff" he said. I nodded quickly. Sounds fun and like a good distraction. I grabbed a grey shirt and a a pair of light jean shorts and slipped them on. I tucked my shirt in my shorts and added a bracelet or two. I tied my hair up in a pony tail that flowed over my shoulder. I slipped on my black toms and headed downstairs. Niall had changed into black jeans and a tank top. He had a pair of white Supras on as well. He said he called a boat in so it should be here any minute. I grabbed my phone and money out of my wallet and stuck it in my back pocket along with an extra twenty in my phone case. When the boat got here Niall and I walked over to the dock. We hoped on the boat then sailed for 5 minutes to inland.

--3 hours later--

Niall and I were walking hand in hand through the streets that were filled with shops. I had a small bag that had some jewelry in it from one of the little shops.

"I'm hungry" Niall whined. Oh yea we didn't eat breakfast did we? I looked around until I spotted a little caffe.

"What about there?" I asked him he nodded and dragged me there. When we got there we got in line and thought about what we wanted. Soon we were in front of the counter and ordered our stuff. I ended up getting a coffee and a scone and Niall got tea with some cinnamon bread. We sat down and ate our food and talked for a while.

"So you feel a little better" Niall asked referring to this morning.

"Yea thanks" I said looking down. He nodded his head.

"Where do you want to go next?" He asked me taking a bite of his food. I thought for a minute.

"Wanna go see some more shops?" I asked looking at him. He smiled and nodded taking the last bite one his food. We got up and he took my hand again and we started walking. We stopped at few shops and got some things for ourselves then the boys and girls. We were laughing and talking when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said. The guy looked at and me and smiled.

"That's ok it was an honor to be bumped into by someone so beautiful." He said I smiled awkwardly. Niall's grip tightened on my hand.

"Uh thanks" I said looking at Niall.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He continues oblivious to Niall.

"Um I'm Kylie and this is my boyfriend Niall" I said making sure to make the word boyfriend obvious.

"Oh well nice meeting you both" he seemed disappointed. We walked away and Niall's grip loosened only a little. I smiled up at Niall and leaned down and pecked my lips. I giggled and we continued shopping for a little more than an hour and then head back to the boat.

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