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Niall's POV

Kylie had fallen asleep with the blindfold on. Her snore were light as she rested against the window. I pulled up to the take off pad where our plane was. I put noise canceling headphones on her so she couldn't here the planes engine. Once I had gotten Kylie onto the private jet that Simon had worked out for me, I set her down and let her sleep. Ok so this is what's going on, I'm taking Kylie to the Bahamas. Simone gave me 20 days off and helped me plan this, along the other boys. Everyone knew about it except the girls and Kylie and I think we did a pretty good job. I got us a beach house on the island excluded from everyone. It was water front and had an amazing view, along with the pool. You could say a boxers salary was pretty damn good. Once the plain took off I took the head phones off of Kylie while she was still passed out in the seat. The flight was going to be long so I decide to get some shut eye. I laid back and relaxed as the world became dark.


-The next day-

Kylie's POV

I woke up in a car, but something was different. It wasn't Niall's car I wasn't in the front seat and this Definitely wasn't England. I started freaking out until I made eye contact with Niall who sat calmly next to me.

"Morning princess" he spoke

"Where are we" I asked groggily but worriedly.

"You'll see." Was all he said. I watched as trees passed through the window and I saw a beach. Soon beach houses started appearing in my line of vision.

"Niall where did you find a beach in February around here" I asked him curiously.

"You'll see princess" he said pulling me into him holding me closely. The driver soon stopped at a dock where a very nice boat appeared. Niall and I got out of the car and our bags were already on the boat. I was no longer in my dress, Niall must have changed me out of it into the sweats and t shirt I packed. It was a cool breeze it wasn't to hot nor to cold. Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me on the boat. We took the boat to a small island off the coast line. Once we got there, there was a small house very nice looking with a pool in the front and a balcony in the front. I smiled and looked over to Niall.

"Welcome to the Bahamas baby" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. Bahamas? He took me to the Bahamas? I wanted to cry. Tears of joy of course. He must to have put a lot of Money into this. The Bahamas isn't cheap, at all. I turned to him and hugged him tightly wrapping m arms around his waist and his around my shoulders.

"Why are you crying" he asked pulling my chin up. He wiped away a few tears before I gave him my answer.

"Nobody has ever cared about me as much as you have. You picked me up off a park bench 4 months ago and all you have ever done is help me. You don't understand how much all the little things you do mean to me. You gave me everything I've never gotten, love, happiness, hope. And now you bring me to the Bahamas. THE BAHAMAS NIALL.. You turned my life a whole 360 and you saved me from my horrible life. How can I even begin to thank you." I cried as he looked into my eyes. He planted a long sweet kiss on my lips before speaking.

" you don't have to thank me Kylie. I do all this because it means I get to see you happy. When I saw you on that park bench it hurt more than you can even imagine. Why would such a beautiful girl be out here is what I thought. Kylie you are my everything. And I love you all of you." He said keeping his fingers under my chin. I smiled weakly at him and he kissed me again. The boat came to a stop and we got off heading into the small house.

"Niall it's beautiful" I exclaimed when we got in there. No matter how small it looked from the outside it was huge on the in. I think I'm gonna like it here. Niall informed me of the main facts, we would be staying for 15 days, there was wifi, food, ect and if I needed anything from any shops there was a boat I could take inland. I walked over to my marvelous boyfriend and threw my arms around his neck as his wrapped around my waist. He leaned in a set a pleasant kiss on my lips. He leaned forward to deepen the kiss as much as possible. His hand soon found my hips and lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist. I moaned as his lips found my neck. He started carrying me up to the bed room of the house. Once I was set on the bed things got rough. And I mean rough.

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