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Kylie's POV

She was kissing him. A blonde bitch was kissing my boyfriend. She was sitting on his lap kissing my boyfriend and he wasn't even trying to push her off. She pulled away and he looked at me. By now, I'm sure, I have tear running down my face with a disgusted look on my face. He looked sorry and upset but I didn't care. I took off towards the door and started running. I stopped to take my heels off but after that I kept running. Why is it I'm always running. Every time something gets hard that I don't want to deal with I run.

By now I was panting and I stopped at a park. I sat down on a bench and that's when it came out. Tears flowed as sobs erupted my body. Everything started to sink in. He just cheated on me. He kissed her and didn't stop at all. I felt something vibrate against my hip and I realized I had my phone. I slid it out from under my dress and looked at it. It was a text from Louis.

From Louis
Kylie where are you.

I ignored it and instead called Harry. He was home with Chloe and I knew I could trust him.

"H-h-hello" I said but my tears got in the way.

"Kylie what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

"Can you come get me. I'm at .." I looked around, "Grove Tree Park" I said.

"Yea stay there that's right around the corner." He said. I hung up and not but five minutes later Harry pulled up. I jumped into his car and he looked at me.

"Ok now mind telling me why you were here" he said.

"We were at the after party and the girls and I got up to dance. After a while I looked back to see some blonde bitch sitting on Niall's lap kissing him and he didn't try to stop her" I cried hard again. Harry pulled me into a hug before starting the car again.

"I'm sorry Kylie" he said. He started to drive home.

Niall's POV

Seeing Kylie dance and have fun was great, especially after the last few days. She was having fun and I watched her while I talked to the boys.

"We are going to get another drink wanna come" Liam asked. I shook my head and they got up and left. After a few minutes some blonde girl came over to me.

"Are you Niall Horan" she asked. She was dressed slutty to say the least.

"Yea. Wh-" I was cut off by her plopping down on my lap and her lips colliding with mine. Ew no the fuck. I tried to push her off of me but she was gripping my wrist too tight. She finally pulled away and I saw something I never, EVER wanted to see. Kylie was hurt because of me. I tried to get up but she had already bolted for the door. Fuuuck. Everyone came over to me wondering what the hell was going on. Everyone was asking questions but Sophia.

"How could you Niall you just hurt the only girl who actually loved you besides your mom. Why would you kiss her" I felt a sting across my cheek. I deserved that.

"Sophia she kissed me I tried to pull away but I couldn't. We need to find her " we all ran outside and into our cars driving around. Louis had texted her but no response. I was scared to call or text her but I knew I should have. I started thinking of different places she would go. Apartment, no, park, no, think Niall damn. Harry and Chloe's!! I busted a u turn and headed to Harry's flat.

Once I pulled up to Harry and Chloe's flat I ran in up to the door and started pounding on it.

"Wh- Niall I don't think you should be here" Chloe stated looking angry.

"Chloe please you have got to let me explain." I begged. I can't lose Kylie.

"5 minutes" she said stepping out of the way. I ran inside bolting into the living room where I saw her. Kylie was facing away from the doorway talking to Harry. When he saw me his eyes got wide. Within minutes Kylie had turned around and I saw her face. Makeup leaked all down her face and her eye were puffy.

"Chloe what the hell" she yelled causing me to jump.

"Kylie please you don't know his side of the story just give him five minutes" Chloe begged. Thank you Chloe. Kylie looked as if she was thinking. She looked at me and glared.

"Five minutes" I sighed in relief. Harry and Chloe left the room leaving us standing there.

"Kylie look. She kissed me I swear! She sat on my lap and kissed me. I tried to push her off but she wouldn't budge. Kylie, baby please you have to believe me. "

Kylie's POV

I wanted to believe him, I really did. I know that his story was a very real possibility. But I couldn't pull myself to believe him. He was on the verge of tears as he begged me to believe him.

"Niall listen, I want to believe you" I started, but was interrupted by people shocking into the room.

"Kylie wait!! Don't break up with him!! He isn't lying. She was all over him he tried but-" Louis stopped talking when he saw Niall in front of me. I let out a sigh.

"Kylie you have to believe him. He can't afford to loose you" El spoke up. I smiled at my friends. Our friends. I know that what they are saying is true. Niall hasn't ever given me a reason to not believe him. I chewed on my bottom lip before looking back over at Niall

"You swear she kissed you?" I asked him.

"I swear on my life she kissed me Kylie" he said looking at me. I sighed then smirked a little.

"Fine" I said "I believe you" I better not regret this. Within minutes I was swept off my feet in Niall's arms as he spun me around. Everyone cheered and wolf whistled before gathering in a group hug.

"You still love me ?" He looked at me moving a piece of hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear.

"Yea.. Sorry for running off like that guys.. It's kind of a habit." I said looking down. There was a chorus of its okays or no problem. I suddenly yawned feeling exhausted from the three hours.

"Movie slumber party?" Perrie suggested. We all smiled and nodded changing into different clothes. I forgot about the bag we packed for the arena. It was in Niall's car. When I changed I changed into a pair of loose sweats and a shirt. Now that I was comfortable I snuggled I to Niall's side as they started the movie.

A/N short sorry but yea vote and comment please ilysm

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