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Kylie's POV

I sat in our flat with Cameron next to Niall. We were both off today and decided to have a relaxing day in. I had my head in Niall's lap and Cameron was sitting on my lips and I held his hands playing with him.

"Kylie we should go out sometime again" I looked up at Niall who was smirking proudly. I just smiled at him and went back to playing with Cam.

"I'm serious after this match tomorrow there's an after party I want you to come" the mention of another after party brought back memories of the last one. Him kissing that other girl was almost the end of us. I do t want that to happen again.

"I don't know Niall what about the baby?" I asked him looking at Cameron.

"Chloe can watch him she wouldn't be able to go it's kind of a crazy after party" he said.

"Ok, fine just promise me one thing" I looked up at my blonde boyfriends. His features were almost perfect from the angle. His piercing blue eyes were some what grey and his jaw line was perfect. His tattoos were dark against his tan skin.

"What baby" he asked me. 'Baby'. Even after so long that word made me go weak.

"What happened last time won't happen a again." I asked him. He looked down at me for a second then smashed his lips to mine. It was a simple yet fierce gesture.

"I promise Kylie it won't happen." I nodded to his response and sat up with Cam and we had a big family cuddle.

-the fight-

I was sitting with all the girls minus Chloe. Harry wasn't fighting tonight so she agreed to stay back and watch cam. Niall had just jabbed the other much larger man in the stomach then used his knee to get him in the face. The man fell to the floor tapping do the ground in what I believe is called tap out. Everyone cheered as the ref held Niall's hand up claiming he won the match. Paul and Sam led Niall out of the ring and past us to the dressing room. On the way Niall grabbed my hand and we went back together.

"Good job" I said to him and he wiped the sweat off his face. He leaned in to kiss me but I pulled away.

"Uh uh fresh makeup not so fresh face go shower Liam's on in 15" he smirked at me and that's when I saw he still had his mouth piece in. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him to start talking to Sophia. I felt a sting against my ass followed by laughter and a door closing.

"Niall" I yelled at him. He just chuckled from behind the door.

"So you going to this after party after what happened?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yea gotta be supportive even if I'm uncomfortable" I smiled. She did too. We waited another 5 minutes until Niall was out of the shower then we headed over to the stands to watch Liam fight. Liam was a little bit more built then Niall and has been training longer so his fights never lasted longer. Liam stepped in the ring and the crowd roared in excitement. I couldn't say the same for Justin his opponent. The bell dinged and Liam guarded his face taking a few jabs at the others guys. After five minutes, the other guy was TKO on the ground and Liam's hand was raised. Everyone cheered and we walked back to the dressing room

-10 minutes later-

We walked into the club and everyone, drunkly, roared. The men were dressed in suits and ties and the ladies dressed elegant but defiantly for a club. I had on a skirt that flowed about mid thy and a long sleeve shirt that was tight and ended right above my belly button. I had on black pumps and my hair was waved. We walked in my hand tangled with Niall's and we walked over to a man with a nice grey suit.

"Niall Liam good job boys!" He shook there free hands and smiled.

"Who are these lovely ladies?" He asked looking at Sophia and I .

"This is Kylie my girlfriend" Niall said I shook the mans hand and smiled.

"And this is Sophia my girlfriend" Liam said . The man smiled at us and nodded almost in approval.

"Let's go drink" Niall whispered in my ear. I nodded and we trotted over to the bar.

"Two strings brews please" he said handing the money over to the bar tender. In return he handed Niall and I two bottles of the stop ringlets brews he had. I took a swig of it and I almost fell in love. The cool liquid burned it way down my throat as covered my taste buds. Strong indeed but very good. Niall and I had a few and danced a lot. We were on the floor when someone came up to us. He was tall and built.

"Niall what's up man!" He yelled over the heart racing music.

"Ned what's up man" Niall said leaning toward him with his other hand around my waist.

"Whose this" Ned asked looking towards me. Winking at me. Ew.

"My girlfriend Kyliee" he slurred. Ned's arm went behind me and I felt a tux against my ass. He just smacked my ass.

"Dude" Niall said.

"She got a nice ass Niall fuck her yet? How long you been with her ?" I saw Niall's skin turn red.

"Man I suggest you shut up" Niall let go of me. Ned pulled me into him grabbing my ass in the process. What the hell is this guys problem. Before anything could be processed. Niall fist collided with Ned's jaw. Niall was pounding the guys face with his hand against the floor, Sophia pulled me away from the scene while Liam pulled him off of Ned. I was shaking as Sophia pulled me out of the club Liam still fighting Niall to get off that guy.

"What happened?" Sophia exclaimed looking over my shaking body.

"This guy uh ned came over and was talking with Niall then he started grabbing me and saying nasty things about me then I look back and seen Niall beating the shit out of him. " I started to slow down on the shakes but was still concerned about Niall. Soon Liam came out with Niall by the arm. Niall freed himself from Liam's grip and ran over to me.

"Baby I am so sorry are you ok" I giggled as he started looking me over.

"I'm fine" I said . He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck doing the same.

"Let's get out of here" Liam said. We got into our separate cars and went on our way.

"What do you say we let Cam stay at Harry's and we have some Ky and Ni time" he winked at me. I giggled at his cheesy line and nodded my head. When we arrived at home I ran up the stairs causing him to chase me. I was just to the door when I felt a strong grip pull me back and lift me. He walked through the door and I wrapped my legs around his torso kissing his lips. Niall slammed me ups against the wall and I grunted into his mouth. I started taking off his jacket the unbuttoning his shirt while he sucked and nibbled on my neck.

"Niall" I moaned breathlessly as he found my sweet spot. He picked me up off the wall and we only made it to the counter. Niall slipped my heels off then my skirt sitting me down on the counter Niall slipped his shirt off as I did mine. His hands traced down my curves and I moan as they roamed my chest. My breathing started to increase.

"Say it" Niall whispered in my ear. "Say you want it"

"Mmm Niall please" I moaned.

"Say it" he growled I whimpered when his hands dropped between my thighs.

"I want it" I breathlessly said. But that was an under statement I didn't want him. I needed him.

A/n ooooo la la

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