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Kylie's POV.

It's been a week since the kissing scandal. Everything has pretty much gone back to normal and we were all happy and content. Chloe was going for her two month checkup today, Frank has been giving me weekly updates on Tori, and aunt Kayla was 7 months in. Today I was at work and Niall at training.

" Kim can ya get him a beer " I asked pointing to one of our regulars. She nodded and went to the fountain to pour it.

We were slow today but I was making good tips. A football game had been on all day and just ended so we were kind of busy throughout that game. I sat on the stool counting my tips waiting for my shift to end. We recently hired two other girls who were 23 and 20. Their names were Taylor and Brittany, Tay was the 20 year old and Brit was 23. Tay had a two year old daughter named Alaina. Tay had her when she was 18 and when her parents found out they kicked her out, luckily her boyfriend stuck around to take care of them. As for Brit she was a crazy free soul who was single and was ready to mingle.

~4 hours later~

Kim had just dropped me off at home and it was currently 10 pm. I walked up to Niall's flat and walked inside to we him on the couch. When the door opened his head snapped to me and he got coming to greet me.

"Hey baby" he said pressing his lips to mine.

"Hi" I said back simply. I walked upstairs to change out of my work clothes and put on yoga pants and one of Niall's shirts. When I went back down stairs Niall was back on the couch so I went and snuggled up to him.

"How was training and stuff" I asked looking up at him. Once I examined his face he had a bruise on his jaw from the last fight was in. It had faded a bit but was still prominent on his face.

"Good I have a match in New York next weekend" New York?!?! Why New York ?

"That's great" I lied. I don't want him to go to New York. That means I'll be here all alone.

"Yea and I have an extra ticket... And my family is flying in to New York " oh amen. Haha

"Cool so who all is going" I asked

"Well all the guys, girls , my family, your cousins so Sophia Joey Frankie Vince and their girlfriends" I smiled widely. How the hell did he get all this to happen in one day.

"Sounds fun when do we leave?" I asked sitting up.

"Next Wednesday." He said. I smiled up at him and he pecked my lips. I snuggled back into his side and we watched tv. I soon drifted off to sleep.

~~ next day~~

Today's my day off so I'm going to train with Niall. It's Friday so we had to get up at like 7 am to meet Harry at the gym. I lazily pulled my nike sweatshirt on and bent over to tie my shoes. I jogged down the stairs tying my hair up and slipping a headband on. Niall had on sweats and shorts underneath with a t-shirt. I grabbed a bottle of water and his keys and my phone.

"Ready? I'm driving" he laughed and went for the keys but I pulled my hand back.

"You are not driving " I looked at with with an eyebrow raised.

"Why not?" I asked him holding the keys behind my back.

"Because I said so. U can drive on the way home just not there" I sighed frustrated three him the keys walking out the door. We got outside and I hoped in the car keeping quiet. We soon pulled up to the gym and I still stayed silent while we walked in.

"Hey guys" Harry said.

"Hi mate" Niall said. I just gave him a head nod.

"Someone's not talkative" Harry mocked causing Niall to laugh.

"She is just mad I wouldn't let her drive here" he said. I gave both of them a hard glare and went over to the chairs and table and sat down. I pulled out my phone while Niall hooked his up to the Bluetooth.

An hour went by of grunting and sound of chains rattling and leather hitting leather. (A/n that sounded dirty haha don't think of it that way) Niall came up to me and looked down at me. I glared up at him. He leaned down and started kissing my whole face, then he lifted me up throwing me over his shoulder and ran around the gym.

"Niall put me down" I giggled out. He had a way over me to not make me mad. He set me down and I stumbled a bit but he wrapped his arms around my waist. I got on my tip toes and pecked his lips. We walked back to where I was sitting.

"I've got to be here till 11 so you wanna go get lunch and then come back with food ?" He smiled at me. I nodded and told him to text him and Harry's orders. When I got to McDonalds I ordered our food and headed back out to the car.

"Are you Niall Horan's girlfriend?" I looked around for the voice who said only to see a boy about 15 years old. I smiled at him

"Yea that's me" I said nicely to the boy.

"I'm Jason, I'm a huge fan of Niall's and I was wondering if you could give this to him." He held out an envelope that had written on 'If I Ever Meet Niall' on it. I smiled and took it.

"Of course" I said

"Thank you so much oh and you are very pretty" I blushed a little. He is just adorable. I noticed something about him though. He was a bit pale and he had dark circles under his eyes. His head was shaved completely and he had a band around his wrist.

"Aw thank you " I said. I started too walk away

"Wait do you know the rest of the boys?" He asked. I nodded my head yes.

"Can you give these to them?" He handed me three other packages and I took them gladly. After a brief conversation I got back in Niall's car and left.

Niall POV

Where the hell is Kylie I'm hungry. Just as I finished that thought she came back with food and Harry and I rushed over to her taking it.

"Hey some young boy gave me these to give to you guys" she held out two packages in one hand and had three in the other. I took the one with my name on it and Harry took the one with his. I opened it and inside was a letter and a guitar pick. The letter read:

Dear Niall,

Hello my name is Jason Dean and I'm 15 years old. I have been a huge fan of you boxing skills since I was 13. I, writing this letter because I know I'll never be able to see you fight. The reason for that is because in January I was told that I have Leukemia. They told me it was stage four and I didn't have much time. I take treatment to help but the doctors say they don't see a change. It's always been a dream of mine to come watch one of your fights live because I used to box before they found the cancer. You were my inspiration to fight the way I did. I won three championships all because I learned moves you did in matches.

Another reason I wrote this letter is because it has been said that you play guitar. So do I. But with all that has been going on I haven't been a ale to play. So also in this letter I gave you a guitar pick. It was one of my favorites and I wanted you to have it. Keep fighting Niall and don't stop you are a great fighter and I know you can do something great. And that girl uh. Kylie she is beautiful. Don't let her go.

You fan
Jason Dean

I read the letter maybe three times before I put it down. I looked over at Harry who who had a tear in his eye. He looked up at me and Kylie just looked at both of us.

"He has Leukemia.. " Harry trailed off. I nodded my head and he wiped the tear off his cheek. I looked at Kylie and handed her the letter to let her read it. As she read it I started to eat slowly. I saw tears form in her eyes and one down her cheek.

I have to do something for this boy.

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