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Kylie's POV

"Sit I'm going to do your makeup while Sophia does your hair" Perrie exclaimed. It was currently 3:30 and I had three hours to get ready to go out with Niall tonight. He girls were I freaking out running, or wobbling in Chloe's case, around Sophia's room. The boys were helping Niall with little last minute details. Apparently Niall told Liam where we were going and he let it slip to Sophia and she is nervous wreck not telling me. Chloe and El laid my outfit out on the bed and put my shoes and bag next to it on the floor. I was shaking nervously.

"Would you calm down" Perrie yelled as she brought foundation to my face. I wasn't aloud to see myself until i was all done. I relaxed a bit. When the bedroom door swung open all the girls formed a wall in front of me.

"It's just me" Harry's voice rang through. All the girls sighed and got back to what they were doing, Sophia started to waterfall braid my hair. Once she finished she it some pins in it and curled it.

"Chloe you ok babe?" Harry asked his pregnant girlfriend. She smiled and wobble walked over to him.

"I'm fine now go" she pecked his lips and pushed him out. We laughed and all sat there munching on chips and drinking coke. After almost an hour and a half of getting ready they finally let me go see what I looked like in the mirror. Wow. My makeup was done lightly with only a hint of dark eye shadow. My lips were light nude pink. My hair was curled and braided across the back in a water fall braid like Sophia said she was doing. I smiled and turned to the girls.

"Thank you" I squealed pulling them into a hug. They all squealed and we exchanged a few squeals and laughs.

"Ok get dressed" El said. I took the dress and went into the bathroom. I slipped on a strapless bra and VS underwear. I adjusted the bra so my boobs weren't falling out of it, it was a push bra so I had to fix my girls make sure they didn't look bad in the dress. I slipped into the dress and pulled it down so it came about mid thy. The dress stuck to my skin but it looked classy not slutty. I walked out of the bathroom and all the girls smiled at me looking me head to toe.

"We have about an hour. Left so what do you want to do" El said. An hour? I looked at my phone to see it was 5 o'clock. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Girls I'm nervous" I said looking at them.

"Hun don't be nervous you will absolutely love it. Believe me. Just remember have fun relax." Sophia said giggling. I looked in my bag and made sure I had everything, I did. Us girls talked for an hour before there was a knock on the door.

"Girls we were here Niall's downstairs waiting" Liam said through the door. I felt my stomach drop. I was never this nervous to be going with Niall somewhere. I slipped my heels on and the girls lead me downstairs.

"Niall don't look" Sophia squealed. Niall covered his eyes with his hands and I walk downstairs. All the boys jaws dropped and they looked at me in aw. I stood in front of Niall and removed his hands from his eyes.

"Wow" his eyes twinkled and his mouth agape and he looked me up and down. I was shaking.

"You look beautiful" he almost whispered. I smiled and blushed.

"Thanks you look nice yourself" I said. He was wearing a black shirt and black jeans with grey VANS.

"Here" El said said running downstairs with my bag. Oh yea I forgot about that. Niall took it and grabbed my hand.

"We will see you guys in a few days" Niall winked at Liam and he smirked back. I looked at Sophia who smiled at me and waved us off. Once in the car Niall Niall set our bags in the back.

"You aren't going to tell me where we are going are you?" I asked him our hands still intertwined while he drove.

"Nope" he brought the back of my hand up and planted a kiss on the back of it. I smiled and looked out of the window.

We pulled up out side a beautiful little Italian place. Niall got out of the car and opened my door. I smiled at him and he took my hand pulling me towards the restaurant. When we got inside he walked up to the podium.

"Reservation for two under Horan" he said to the lady who looked about 40. She smiled and looked down.

" ah yes right this way" she said directing us towards the back of the restaurant. We came to a stop at a table with a dim light above it. She let us sit down before placing a menus in front if us.

"You two have fun. And your waiter will be right with you." She smiled we thanked her and she walked away.

"Him I'm Kyle I'll be your waiter tonight what can I get you to drink?" He asked looking at me basically checking me out.

"I'll just have a glass of red wine" I said he nodded and wrote it down, looking at Niall.

"White wine please" he said, looking at him with a glare. He wrote it down and left to go get us our drinks.

"Can you tell me now" I asked him batting my eyelashes.

"No" he chuckled playing with my fingers from across the table. I pulled my hand away and pouted.

"Baby stop pouting" he said laughing. "It's a surprise" he continued. I just nodded and gave him my hand back. He was like a child and needed something to distract him. Kyle soon returned with our drinks and then took our orders. I got the chicken Alfredo and Niall got the same. I took a sip of my wine and fell in love. It was so good. Niall and I sat there talking about our days and old memories we had of us being kids.

"So you were running and hit your head on a banner and it made you fall backwards" I laughed out. He nodded taking a sip of wine with a big smile on his face.

"The worst part was Louis laughed so loud it caught the attention of everyone in the room" he chuckled again. We talked a little more until our food came out. We scarfed it down. It was delicious. After we ate, we payed and left. Once we got in to the car Niall gave me a blind fold.

"Put it on princess" he said. I sighed and glared at him. "Come on please" I put it on and he tied it in the back for me. I tapped my fingers nervously on my thighs. Oh man where are we going.

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