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Kylie's POV.

I was having Kim and her year old daughter Simone over today. The bar was closed because it's Friday morning and we don't open till Friday night at 6. Niall and the boys got called off because they had been working so hard everyday for the past two weeks Simon gave them a break. Simone was sitting on my lap playing with my fingers while I talked to Kim. Niall had just went out to get some things from the store.

" Niall's a nice lad Ky." Kim said taking a sip of tea. I smiled and looked down at Mones. That was what we called her.

"Yea he is really sweet. He seems scary because of all the tattoos but he is nice."
I said back to her. Kim is seriously the best. She is young enough that I can hang out with her but not to young that I can't go her when I need a grown up. Kim's phone buzzed and her face fell and she looked irritated.

" damn. My sitter just canceled and I have to work tonight." She said. I thought for a moment.

"I could watch her" I suggested.

"Oh Kylie you don't have to. I know you would want to be with your boyfriend." She replied.

"It's ok we have watched kids before." I said smiling down at Mones. She looked at me and giggle her precious giggle. She had tan skin and curly hair with hazel brown eyes. She was the definition of perfect.

"Kylie are you sure" she said making sure I was totally ok with watching her. I nodded my head with a smile.

"Well her bag is in my car because I was going to take her there when we left here." She said. Just then the door swung open and my handsome boyfriend walked through it.

"Hey Kim. Hi Simone" he said as he carried the bags into the kitchen. Kim returned a hello and Mones gurgled. I giggled as she did so. I picked her up, setting her on my hip walking into the kitchen Kim followed behind. I walked over to Niall as he started putting things away in the cabinet.

"We are watching Simone tonight" I said not really giving him a choice.

"Ok. Chloe and Harry are coming over." I nodded and he leaned down and pecked my lips as I was holding Mones on my hip.

"God you guys would look good with a baby aww" Kim said looking at us in aw. Ok seriously people would we look that good with a baby. She is literally the fourth person to say that. I just chuckled as Simone started to get antsy in my arms.

"I'll go get her bag then I gotta go, takes a while to get ready." She said before jumping up and going to get Mones bag.

"Need help babe" I asked bouncing her on my hip to keep her calm.

"You could give me another kiss." He said walking towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. I hummed and he leaned down to kiss me. I giggled as I started to lean in and kiss him. Once he kissed me again he pulled away and pecked Mones on the forehead and she let a toothy grin appear on her face. I giggled as did Niall. A few minutes later Kim walked in and set the bag down on the couch and walked over to us.

" ok bottles and formula are in there along with nappies and her blanket. She has her pacifier in there and extra clothes. Uh what else, OH! If she gets tired she might start acting up just walk around the house with her and up and down the hallway she will calm down." Kim explained. I nodded and she hugged and kissed her baby. Then I shoed her out of the house reassuring that we've got this. Once she left I walked back in the kitchen.

" what time is Harry and Chloe coming over?" I asked bouncing up and down shaking a bottle in my hand.

" about an hour an half" I looked at the time it was only 2. I popped the bottle into Simone's mouth and she gladly took it. I swayed back and forth feeding her the bottle.

" you would be one sexy mum" Niall spoke up that's when I noticed he was looking at me. I just smiled and looked back down at Mones. I saw out of the corner of my eye Niall's still watching me. After about 5 minutes of feeding her I took the bottle away and and set it on the counter. I rubbed her back to get any burps or air bubbles out.

" take a picture it will last longer." I laughed looking at Niall. He just chuckled and came over to me taking Mones and walked into the living room. I cleaned the bottle out and got all her stuff out of the bag laid out so I knew what I had.

Niall's POV

I took Simone into the living room and turned the tv on. Simone snuggled her little body into my torso. I put my hand on her back to keep her there from falling off. I reclined my chair. (A/n it's been a recliner this whole btw). I started watching sports center and I came on the the tv . I laughed and continued watching the story about me returning to the ring. I felt Simone slowly fall asleep against my chest as her breathing slowed nod her little body relaxed. After about ten minutes I started to get a little sleepy myself. My eyes started shutting as my eye kids got heavier. I soon slipped into darkness.

Kylie's POV.

I walked into the living room to see Simone asleep on Niall's chest and him asleep as well. Awwww. I grabbed my phone out of my back jean pocket and snapped the picture. I sent it to Kim.

To Kimmy
I think they like each other.

I attached the picture to it and hit send. I started cleaning the house and doing some laundry and the dishes while they slept peacefully. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

From Kimmy
Awwww. Look how little she looks with him. He'd make a great dad Kylie

To Kimmy
Oh hush.

I laughed at our texts and continued cleaning the place up. I grabbed Mones stuff and placed it in Niall's and i's room on the bed. When I went downstairs I still had a half hour until Harry and Chloe showed up. So I plopped down on the couch and watched a little tv.

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