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Kylie's POV

Today was the last day in Ireland. I loved Niall's family and the time here was amazing. Today his family ( Maura Greg Denise and theo) got together for a family movie day. When Greg and his family arrived Theo instantly ran to me wanting me to pick him up. I did. I set the baby on my hip going to talk to Denise in the kitchen.

" hey Nise" I said.

" hey hunny. He really likes you," she said talking about Theo. I smiled and pecked the baby on the cheek.

" I love him he is such a good kid! Can I ask you something though" I asked her. She smiled and nodded telling me to go on. " how did Niall's father die?" I knew that was probably a bad question but I had to ask.

She smiled weakly at me. " one night he was coming home from work late, and he was at a red light when a drunk driver in a pick up truck lost control hitting his car." She explained. That's horrible.

"That's horrible" she nodded and we decided to drop the subject. We walked back into the room and me, Niall and Theo laid on the floor. Niall laid against the couch with me resting my back against his chest between his legs. Theo sat on my lap playing with my fingers. I don't want to leave this position.

~~ three hours later~~

I woke up with a sleeping baby on my chest. I looked up to see beautiful blue eyes looking at me. I smiled and he leaned down and pecked me on the lips. We were the only ones in the house from what I could tell.

" they went to go get dinner about 3 minutes ago." He said while noticing me look around.

" I'm going to miss all of them. Especially this little man." I said looking down at Theo.

" me too, but I have to start back up training" he said with a frown. I kissed his cheek. He wrapped both arms around me and Theo. A few minutes later they came home with food. After dinner we went upstairs and packed our things leaving out clothes for the next day. That took about 2 hours. We went downstairs and Niall watched the football game with Greg while I talked with Maura and Denise in the kitchen. Theo was with the boys.

" I'm so happy you walked into Niall life Hun." Maura spoke after taking a sip of tea.

" I'm glad I did too" with a grand smile on my face.

" I can't wait till u two grow up a little more I want more GRAND BABIES!!!!" She yelled. My checks lit up and my stomach turned. Children? I never thought about that. What if Niall doesn't even want to be with me the rest of his life.

" muuuuum!!!!!" Niall groaned from the living. We all giggled and continued our conversation.

" yea me too. A niece or nephew wouldn't be so bad and a cousin for Theo. But no rush!!" Denise said. I smiled.

" I don't even think he would want kids. Let alone kids with me" I shook my head looking down.

" Hun do you not see the way he looks at you. My son is head over heals for you. I have never seen him look at another girl the same. He gets a little sparkle in his eye. And when he looked at you Christmas Eve..... Oh dear he had the biggest smile I've ever seen on him in years. You make my son so happy Kylie. And not to mention we love you!" Maura spoke soft but firm. I smiled and blushed at her words. I walked over to her and hugged her.

" I'm going to miss you guys" I spoke pulling away from Maura. They gave me their cell numbers and then Denise gave me Greg's. After hours of talking me and Niall decided to go to bed and rest up before we travel tomorrow. We hugged everyone but Maura because she would be taking us in the morning. We said our good byes and when it came time for Niall to say goodbye to Greg he started to tear up. They bro hugged for a long time whispering things here and there. I had to look away or I was going to cry. It was so sweet to see how he was with his brother.

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