
911 19 6

Kylie's POV.

We leave for Hawaii in 10 days. Niall, cam and I decided to go shopping even though I just went with Sophia a few weeks ago. Joey and Court were going to their Spring Formal this Saturday and I could not wait for pictures. Niall was holding cam as we squirmed through the thick mush of paps. Cam hid in Niall's neck and I was in front of them with Paul and they had Sam. We walked into the mall and cam wanted to walk so Niall set him down but grabbed his hand holding it tightly. We first went to a toddlers shop for swim suits and beach ware. We went through the whole store getting simple things like the water proof Naps and swim trunks. I got him a couple of those swim shirts so he couldn't get burned by the sun and some beach shoes. The next place we went was Gap, we got a sweatshirt and joggers for Cam and a cute outfit if we ever go out to eat. Today was more like a fill Cameron and nails closet type day. I had gone shopping for myself so much they need a word robe update.

The next thing we got were some cute pajamas. We went to the next shop and bought more for cam. We went to 10 other shops for Niall to get him some new clothes. This was fun shopping for my boys. We walked out of the mall with at least 15 bags each arm per person. We piled out of the shops with paps on our tails. We stuffed the bags in the boot and buckled Cam in.

"Were to next beautiful?" Niall asked me. I smiled and thought.

"Lunch?" I asked him. He nodded and we drove off to a cute restaurant.

"He is passed out" Niall laughed looking in the review. I looked back and smiled at how his chubby face was pushed together.

"I would be too if I only had 2 years of shopping training" I giggled . Niall reached over and connected our hands while his other hand was still on the steering wheel.

Let's go over everything that was bought today shall we:

For Cameron: 7 shirts , 6 pants, 4 swim trunks, a new bed spread, a blanket, 6 gym suits, a couple new toys and 3 snap backs that Match Niall's snapbacks. We Also bought him a iTunes gift card to get some games on the iPad at home. He is addicted to the thing before he goes to sleep.

For Niall: 10 shirts, 6 pairs of new gym shorts, 5 pairs of joggers, 3 new jeans, a pair of swim trunks, new ankle socks, 3 snapbacks, 2 new pairs of shoes, 6 new tanks, and 2 pairs of Ray bans.

So in all we bought up to $300 worth of clothes today and Niall payed for all of it. We argues about cams so we split it up when it came to that. We were currently pulling into the restaurant parking lot. Niall parked the car and we got out I unbuckled Cameron and we headed in.

"Hello, my name is Emily I'll be your server today, how may I help you" she was young, about 16 maybe.

"Hi well first I'll have water and do you have a kids menu" I said to her. She nodded then pulled one out of the apron she had on. It was a small laminated piece of colorful paper. I took it kindly.

"Can I have a Mountain Dew please" Niall asked the girl. She smiled and nodded. She was a very nice girl. She wasn't trying to make Niall stare at her or she didn't mean mug.

"I'll have that right out!" She said as she walked away.

"Ok so I have three matches until we leave for Hawaii. " Niall spoke.

"Okay. I have to take Cameron to the doctors to make sure his stitched are al gone and good" I replied back running my hand softly over his light brown hair. Ugh he is going to be three in July.

"I'm glad we bought him those snapbacks now he is really gonna be like me" Niall laughed. I laughed along with him.

" have you ever thought about if one day he decides to call you daddy or me mummy? Like he knows I'm sissy but what if one day he just out of the blue calls us mummy and daddy?" I asked Niall's in complete randomness. Emily came back with our drinks and took our food orders and retreated again.

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