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Kylie's POV

I woke in the arms of my favorite person. Simone was in front of me wide awake staring at me. When I looked back at her she giggled and squirmed a bit. I wiggled out of Niall's arms, picked Simone up and went downstairs. Setting Mones on my hip I got out eggs and bacon with the mix for pancakes. Niall has to be at training by 11:30 and it's 8 so if I make all this it will take about an hour, then I have to wake him up so he can eat which will take a half hour, then he has to get ready which takes him only 15 minutes. I have time. I started cooking the food all at once and while watching Simone play on the floor in front of the the tv. Once all the food was done I made up three plates; two big one little. I walked into the living room picked up Simone and went to wake Niall up. When we got in ther he was face down in the pillows snoring lightly. I walked up to him.

" wake up" I said slapping his bum.

"Five more minutes mum" I giggled at his response. He turned to lay on his side facing me. I got an idea.

"Give uncle nail some kisses" I whispered to Simone. I leaned her down in front of his face and she planted a big sloppy kiss on his lips. It was adorable. His face scrunched and he opened his eyes to be face to face with a smiley Simone. He smiled and kissed both her chubby cheeks then got up. I set Simone on my hip and he came and pecked me on the lips, when he got downstairs he scarfed down all the food while I ate and fed Simone.

"Thanks baby" he said getting up pecking my cheek while I gave Simone another bite. Mones and I sat there eating until she was all done. I gathered our plates and set her in the living and started doing the dishes. After 3 minutes I had gotten a text.

From Kimmy
Hey babe should be there around 3 to get Simone. Since you have her I'm going shopping. Is that ok.

To Kimmy
That's totally fine Hun. Niall has training so it's just us girls. Haha

I sent out the text just as Niall came downstairs in shorts a hoodie with tennis shoes and his bag hanging around his shoulder.

" I should be back around 1:45" he said coming into the kitchen. He grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator. I nodded and continued doing the dishes I looked over every now and then to see if Simone was ok. Niall walked over to her and picked her up off the ground and started talking to her.

"Uncle Niall will be back soon. Can you be good for Aunt Ky Ky? Yea. Ok give Uncle Ni kisses." I giggle as he talked in a baby voice to her. He has the biggest soft spot for baby's. I looked over to see Niall giving her kisses on her cheeks and she was giggling. Then Niall set her and walked over to and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Can you give me some kisses" he mumbled in my ear the same voice he used with Simone. He grabbed my hips pushing them back against his crotch. I turned around and gasped at his actions and how roughly he pulled me back. I flicked water in his face and he jumped at the sudden cold water on him. He looked at me with this expression on his face that I can't really explain. It was anger, hunger,goofiness, and lust all piled into you emotion. I giggled and leaned up on my toes and pecked his lips gently. He pulled me back right as I pulled away and kissed me again, and then again. I giggled and put my hand on his chest.

"You are going to be late for training." I said while giggling. He pecked my lips one last time before grabbing his bag and heading towards the door.

"I'll be back" he shouted before the door slammed shut. I just laughed and finished the dishes and went and sat in the living room.

"It's just you and me huh Mones?" I said looking at her on the floor. She crawled over to me and used my legs to pull herself up. I felt her little foot on my shin as in indications she wanted onto my lap. I pulled her up and set her down so she was facing the tv. After a while my phone rang.

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