Ch. 2

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I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist and somebody breathing under me. Memories of last night flooded my head. Niall. Running away. I rolled off of Niall and was getting ready to get off the bed when a hand wrapped around my wrist pulling me back down. I got wrapped into his arms with my eyes looking at his throat.

" don't." He groaned "don't leave, not yet." He mumbled against my head. I couldn't help but blush then smile at his words. We laid there for another hour or so until he fully woke up.

" good morning" I said as he looked at me pulling away slightly. He smiled and kissed the top of my head. That made me melt. I know I can't stay here long, but I also know I have no where else to go. I ran for hours until I hit that park my house is long gone. I don't know my way around this part of England.

"What are you staring at?" Oh god his morning voice was sexy.
" sorry" I mumbled and got up pulling the hoodie down, as it had rid up over night. Niall had laid back down. Lazy ass. I decided to thank him by making breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and got out eggs bacon and bread. I popped 6 pieces of toast in the toaster, two pieces at a time, I fired the eggs and made the bacon. After putting it all together I went to Niall's room to wake him up.

" Niall I made Breakfast." The tattooed, lilac haired boy shot up.
"Food" he asked like a little kid. I nodded and smiled. He got up only in boxers, damn, then put on some grey sweatpants. He didn't bother with a shirt but I was fine with that. He walked over to me hugged me picking me up off the ground. What the fuck is up with him. He set me down and walked into the kitchen and smashed the food like he hasn't eaten in weeks.

~~ after breakfast~~

"I guess I'll just leave now thanks for letting me stay here." I said coming out of his room in the clothes I had on yesterday.
" why would u leave?" He asked with a confused look on his face
" I've stayed long enough I don't want to take up your space any longer." I answered back
" well do you have any other place to go?" I shook my head picking up my bag from near the door. He walked up to me taking my bag from my shoulder.
" then why the hell would u leave." He said with a smile on his face.
" Niall it's really ok I go to a shelter or something and I have mo-" he kissed me. He fucking kissed me. I, very hesitantly, kissed back. After a minute it started to heat up. He dropped my bag backing me up towards the wall.
"Jump" he mumbled against my lips. I jumped and he caught me by my ass. I leaned back as realization kicked in .
" what the fuck." I said now panting. He put me down and ran his hands through his hair down to the back of his neck.
" I'm sorry I don't know what came over me ." He looked at me with sympathy. I stood against the wall. I started thinking. Should I take his offer and stay here or should I leave. If I leave there is a better chance of getting hurt by strangers. Niall seems like a really nice guy. All those tattoos are just a cover for the real him. I've only known him for a night but I know he has been the nicest person towards me besides my friend Harper.

" say I did stay where would I sleep. And I don't have any clothes." I said
" my bed just like last night and we can go buy u some. I'm not sending you back outt there to get hurt." He stated firmly. I nodded then smiled. I lunged at him for a hug, he gladly accepted. That whole morning we spent in his flat getting to know each other better. I found out he has a brother named Greg who is married to a women named Denise. I found out his mothers name is Maura and dad's name is bobby.

"Haha so you hanging by your pants on the fence and Harper wouldn't help you." He said in hysterics. I had told him the story of me, Harper and the fence.
" yea she just kept taking pictures." I said laughing harder. We were sitting there laughing when the door bell rang. He got up to get and in came a boy with just as many maybe more tattoos as Niall but with brown eyes and hair. He was a little taller than Niall.

I'll Never Hurt Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن