Chapter 12: Starfire

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"Now if you would follow me please to the conference room." the employer of the hotel says as he leads them into the hall where they are holding a conference for the furture. So all those who are next in line for any huge business which are technically mostly teenagers and some those who are on their early 20's are meeting to discuss what they are going to do for their parents company. "Hey guess my dad just bought me an island and I named it Super Maximus!" No Way!" "Oh! MY Good! Did you here that Clark Kent is dating some poor girl umm what was it oh Louis something!" "Say What?! EWW isn't that illegal?" "Dude you have the new Prime Z phone 5 that just came out an hour ago! SO do I! Check it out TWINS!" all the people where talking to others siting down on a huge square shapped table and the middle a huge space for the speaker who was preparing for the presentation. "Here is your seat Mr. Wayne and the presentation will start momentarly."The employer said as he pull a chair for Robin to sit with a smile. "Well we'll be outside if you need anything Master Robin."Martin says as he points outside of the conference room. "Yeah..Yeah" Robin responds. Martin and Raven head out and go in the waiting room where all the other personal maids and butlers wait for their master's or mistreses.

"Martin who is Xavier to Robin?" Raven says as she is still confused about their relationship. "Oh..Xavier and Robin met a long time ago when they were kids, when Robin went to elementary school when he was 4 met Xavier but not just him also a girl named Starfire they were like the three musketeers always together playing the silliest of games and having sleepover's they would ran around like crazy everywhere they would go. And lasted since they were in middle school for some reason that Robin doesn't even remember since that was five years ago when he was 12....but I guess we wont really know...all I know is that they all spilt apart and I never heard from Xavier or Starfire since then but then Xavier popped out of no where and how has he grown and so handsome too!" Martin says as he remember's as it were yesterday and then looks at Raven as he moves his grey eyebrows up and down quickly. Raven laughs as she notices what Martin is doing.

"Oh hey! Xavier sit here!" Robin says as he see's Xavier enter the conference room and waves his hand. Xavier then waves back "Hey Robin. Yeah im coming." Xavier says as he smiles back and then heads towards Robin and sits down next to Robin. "Hey man what took you so long it only took me like 1 minute to get here from the entrance and took you like a million!" Robin says as he elbow bumps his arm playfully and smiles at Xavier. "Oh I had to take care of some why is this loser standing infornt going to murmur about?! LIKE IM GOING TO LISTEN TO THIS LOSER!" Xavier says as he yells loud enough for the guy that's preparing the presentation can hear. Everyone in the room starts to laugh as the presenter gets more nervous and then accidently trips over a wire and falls head fist on the floor as his glasses fall off. "Ha! Yeah he is a Loser and a clumsy one too!!" Robin yells and laughs as he falls and everyone else in the room start to laugh even more. Then suddenly "Thats not very nice Robin and Xavier to say...." As Robin and Xavier then stop laughing as they notice who it is that said that as she bends her knees and picks the presenter up and places his glasses back on its proper place and then flips her dark red hair with clurred hair and her sparkly green eyes look towards the two "STARFIRE?!?!?" Robin and Xavier say in unicine as their jaws drop to the top of the table in and their eyes widened open in shock as Starfire gigles at their reactions.

After the conference is over. They open the doors of the conference room to let them out. They go walking out talking some yawning and some using their phones. "Wow the conference was quick!" Raven says as she notices people coming out of the conference room. "Yes they usually last 30 due to those who dont pay much attention but I wonder who made them listen..." Martin wonders as he then heads closer to the opening of the conference room and Raven follows. "Hahaha! Is this really the old ugly Starfire?" Xavier asks as he looks at Starfire's beautiful pink spraklly short noddle starp dress with white jewelled flats and an elentgantly studded diamond necklace with a white plain bracelets in both wrists and nicely done makeup. "Shut up!" Stafire yells embaraced as she blushes a soft pink as she punches Xavier's shoulder. "Yeah..Xavier she looks beautiful you need to get your eyes checked!" Robin yells as he laughs at Xavier and then Starfire starts to blush a bright red across her cheeks "Aww Robin you were always so sweet!" Starfire says as she smiles and then suddenly hugs Robin and Robin hugs her back. As Martin and Raven finally spot them and then Raven see's Robin hugging a beautiful girl and see's him smilling her eyes widened as her heart skips a beat. Xavier also notices them hugging and Starfire smilling brightly as his face turns annoyed "Tsk...Okay enough of the girly Hug!" Xavier yells as he tries to control his anger. "Wow chill Xavier it's just that we haven't seen eachother either since five years ago." Robin says as he smiles at Starfire and then stops hugging her. "Yeah now come on!" Starfire says as she then hugs Xavier and Xavier blushes bright red across his face in shock. "Ye..eaah.." Xavier says shyly and Starfire giggles.

"Oh Hey why dont we go to your house Robin! Like old times!" Starfire says happily as she stops hugging Xavier and turns to Robin. "Yeah sure why dont we all get in my limo and head there." Robin says as he points towards the exit. Then suddenly "Oh no sorry Starfire but me and Robin already made a plans to go to a strip club and hang just us boys!" Xavier says as he warps his arm around Robin's shoulder's and smiles at Starfire. "Aww that's to bad! Well I guess next time! See you Robin!" Starfire says as she saddens and then smiles and then quickly walks away. "No..wai.." Robin suddenly says suprised but Starfire is already gone. "What was that Xavier we never had any plans together?" Robin asks angryly towards Xavier. "Well sorry man I saw you first so...ME AND YOU TIME!" Xavier says as he smiles at Robin. "Oh Master Robin Martin wanted to know if you are ready to go so he can get tell Willy the driver." Raven says as she smiles them. "Wow! I haven't seen you before and you are?" Xavier says as he notices a new pretty face. "Oh this is my new personal maid Raven right?" Robin responds "Yes.." Raven says as she turns a little sad. "Wow! And you say im rude you dont even remember a pretty face's name you'll have to excuse him Raven." Xavier says as he grins and then places the arm on Robin's shoulder's on Raven's as Raven turns a little nervous. "Whatever let's just go!" Robin say's irritated as he walks infront of them and they follow.

They get in all get in Robin's limo. Robin sits in his regular seat. "You can sit next to me!" Xavier says as he grins at Raven and then forces her to sit next to him. "Okay.." Raven says nervously as she blushes a little. And Martin sits next to Robin "Ah please treat Ms. Raven gently Master Xavier..." Martin says as he see's how rough Xavier is treating her. "Yeah man she's my maid afterall." Robin says suddenly as it just popped out from his mouth. "Wow I didn't know you liked her Robin sorry.." Xavier says as he smirks at Robin and then let's Raven go to sit normally. They arrive at a bar which they are allowed to go to even though they're under age. They're rich what you gonna do. This Bar also has a dancefloor for those who want to dance and tables who those who want to just hang out. "Alright this is my type of place to go!" Xavier yells happily as he enters with Robin right beside him and see's all the hot women in short dresses. "Yeah you said it!" Robin agrees as he also sees the girls. They head in to the dancefloor and start to dance with some of the girls to the club remix music as Martin and Raven just go and sit down in one of the back tables to wait for when they're done. "He sure does like to go to loud places!" Raven yells loudly enough for Martin to hear as she laughs at Robin's dancemoves. "Oh get used to it Ms. Raven!" Martin responds.

After it becomes 10 pm Xavier and Robin are already drunk with all the alcoholic drinks from the bar with rossy cheeks and blurry vision and laughing uncontrollably trying to dance with the girls still as they suddenlly fall to the floor and pass out. "Oh Mater Robin and Xavier!" Martin yells as he see's them in the dancefloor ground passed out. "Man Im drunk!" Robin yells "Man you drunk!" Xavier yells back. As suddenly Martin picks Robin and Xavier up. "Look were princesses getting carried by our prince!" Robin yells as he laughs "What..?!" Xavier responds. Martin then places them gently inside the limo "Here Ms. Raven can you please let Master Robin lay on your lap?'' Martin says as he gently lays Robin's head on Raven's lap "Oh sure.." Raven says as she smiles and blushes. "Mmmm you smell good Raven!" Robin says as he closes his eyes and smiles like he's in heaven as Raven giggles. Then Martin lays Xavier down on the seat across from Raven and Robin "Aww I dont get to lay on no one's lap?! That's fair!" Xavier yells angryly as he laughs "Well if you insists Master Xavier..." Martin says as he then places Xaviers head on his lap. "Mmm so smell like old people Martin!But you know I love you!" Xavier yells happilly as he then suddenly falls asleep and starts to shore. "Let's go Willy!" Martin says to Willy so they can head back.

"I'll take Master Robin to his room Martin and you can take Xavier to his." Raven says as they enter the masion. " Alright be careful now." Martin says as he carries Xavier off. "Dont worry!" Raven says as she giggles. " I in wonderland?" Robin says as he opens his eyes a little. Raven giggles as she places him down in his bed and puts the blanket on top of him "Good night Master Robin.." Raven says as she smiles. Then suddenly Robin grabbs her arm and pulls her inside the covers "You sleep with me! It's an order!" Robin yells angrily as he laughs with his eyes closed. Raven then blushes bright red across her face as she can feel his whole body and her body so close and their bodies touching and warming up then suddenly "I like you Raven..." Robin says as he opens his eyes with a gently smile and Raven's eyes widen in suprise as her whole body turns red with embarssment.


I kept my promise on the quick update!!:)


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