Chapter 5: Are You Ready?

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"Okay laddies plz line up at the black line and what you have to do if find someone and partner up so one has to be carried by the other and run across and back the gym 20 times as fast as you can the first 14 to finish get to proceed to the next challenge so you have five minutes to get ready!" the annoucer says. All the contestants freak out "What you got to be kidding me most of us are wearing dresses and heels no one told us about a race!"Heather says frustrated and nervously as she looks at what she's wearing."Pffft.....You guys should always be prepared for anything!.."Robin says as he looks at all the well dressed girls worried and doesn't feel bad for them. "Hey Raven did you know about this....what! since when did you change i just turned away for like a second!" Lucy says nervously and then see's Raven changed into jogging clothes and shoes with her long purple hair up. "Well this is a competition so i figured they will have some type of speed challenge like this one so...yeah." Raven says as she looks at her brother Jacob in the stands. "Hey sissy! Become the Flash!" Jacob says with big eyes and big smile looking at Raven. "Good luck Rae!" BB says as he smiles and blushes a little. "Thanks guys!" Ravens says as she waves back to them and smiles.

"Okay Lucy get on.."Raven says as she kneels down. "Wha..What! No way Raven are you sure?!" Lucy says as she gets nervous and backs away Raven a little. "Dont worry im going to do all the running you dont have to ruin that beautiful dress which im sure cost you a get on."Raven says with a smile."Raven! Raven there's...there's flowers blomming and blurry colorful lights around you!" Lucy says as she admires and thinks she is the coolest. "Okay i'll get on...I hope im not heavy.."Lucy says as she gets on like a little bunny jumping on her shoulders. "You just relax i'll try running it wont distrub you.."Raven says with a serious face and heads to the starting line. "But are you sure you dont want me to run at least half of it!" Lucy says as she pops on her shoulders with a big worried eyes."It's alright i trained way harder than this at home."Raven says as she recalls her in the football field at her school with 5 tires being dragged around by her with rope, and all the football players dazed and suprised as ever staring at her run with all that. "Ummm Coach are you seeing this.." one of players say to the coach."Yes..yes i am son." the coach says as he records it with a camera. "For some reason the next day a bunch of strange people kept comming to my house with nice suits asking me to go far away from home so i just rejected them all...(they cant keep me away from my cute brother no way!)..." Raven says as she looks across the gym. " rejected colleges!" Lucy says suprised as ever.

"Okay is every one ready! The five minutes are up you laddies better be ready!" the annoucer says. "Hurry up Amy you are going to do all the running im not going to ruin this Atoro Batali (sorry if i misspelled) dress it cost a furtune! And dont even get me started with these heels!"Heather says as she climb's on Amy shoulder's. "Hey Heather if your so rich yourself why do you want to be a maid?" Amy asks Heather with a very confused head. "I know right! That handsome, sexy Robin was sopposed to have a marriage meeting with me but he refussed that he rather spend him time with his maids! Can you believe that! He said that I was a waste of his time and a spoiled girl no where near his league!" Heather says as she yells in frustration and humalition."Oooh Okaayy! Thats why you brought me here to help you." Amy says as she looks at Heather. "Yes get ready!" Heather yells at Amy. "Okay contestants get ready....Set......GO!" The annoucer yells with excitement.

Raven and Amy and the other contestants start running. Some trip on their heels and quit others after the 5th or the 10th lap get tired and quit. Raven and Amy keep going.Robin just ignores and tells Martin to get some toys(pretty girls) to entertain him while they compete to be his personal maid. He looks at them for a little and laughs and then laughs at the toys. "Your almost there Raven! You can do it!" Lucy, BB and Jacob say it at the same time to encourge Raven. "Hurry up you slow poke fat turtle!" Heather says as she hits Amy. "Hey! Im trying! Im tired!"Amy says as she gasps for air and as he feet turn red due to the heels she's wearing. There are still 20 contestant (10 pairs) running. Raven and the others are at the last one with Raven on the lead. "Wow! Look at them go!" BB says as he looks at the other contestants. "Yeah but sissy doesn't look tired at all Yay!" Jacob says as he jumps in the air and then stands get a better view. "And here are the constestants now! Who are going to be the first 14?!" The annoucer annouces.Raven and Lucy are first and some others catch up and Amy and Heather end up being the last 14. "Seriously Amy you suck! We bearly made it!" Heather says as she gets off Amy. Amy falls straight to the floor sweating and red with loss of breath. "Gosh Heather your heavy!" Amy says at Heather as she closes her eyes she see's someone approach her.

"hmmmm...Where am i?"Amy asks feeling comfortable as ever as though in a fluffy cloud. "Hey thank god your ok you fainted and right after the first test ended and I brought you to your room so you better rest up for tomorrow, for the next test strong!" Raven says with a bright smile and leaves the room . "Hey Heather was I just visited and notured by an angel.." Amy says in daze. "What are you crazy!" Heather says angrily at her. Raven walks down the hall and goes in her room which she shares with Lucy. "This is nice of Master Robin let us stay in his house in his spare rooms for the competition, right Raven!"Lucy says as she jumps on her bed once and lands cozyly in her bed. "Yeah but im worried about Jacob."Raven says as she looks out the window. "Hey but isn't your cute friend Beast Boy taking care of him so there's nothing to worry about he seemed nice..." Lucy says as she remember's meeting Beast Boy in her imagination looking excatly like a prince and muscles. "Yeah your right."Raven says as she heads to her bed and sits, and thinks. Then a Tv pops up "Hello Laddies and congratulations one passing the first test there still more to come so be prepared for anything. Well good night laddies.." Martin says as he appears in the Tv.

"Why does those worthless trash have to stay here at my house! Martin!" Robin yells angryly at Martin. "Because Sir they have worked and will keep working hard for you sir until the competition ends they derserve fine treatment.So please dont mind them Sir. " Martin says as he leaves Robin's room. "Ha! That Martin why is he so weak and trust those peasants at MY HOUSE! what if they steel something!Robin yells to his toys as they message his back and feet. "Hey keep watch on those filthy contestants!" Robin says in his phone to the security. "Yes young master Robin!' one of the security guys answer back. "Hmmmm I wonder who is going to win this stupid competition..." Robin says as the girls treat him nicely and as he orders them around.

Good luck sissy! Good night!" Jacob says as he looks out the window with his blanket wrapped around him and his eyes shine by the stars and moon. "Good night Jackie love you..."Raven says as she reaches out the window and then heads to bed. "(Snrot)Good night Raven" Lucy says as though Raven said good night to her.




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