Chapter 10: SORRY

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"Master Robin we have arrived." Willy said as he lowered the window between the front and the back so Robin can hear. "Alright let's get out of this boring huge piece of junk!" Robin says as he get's out of the limo and Raven and Martin follow behind. "He must really like coming to clubs." Raven says as she blushes a little and giggles. "Yes, He comes every night partically to what was it 'hang out' with his friends and dance and you know.." Martin says as blushes a little and looks at Raven shyly as holds the door open for Raven. Raven giggles "Aww your so cute Martin." as she walks in. As they both enter suddenly "Yo! Yo! Yo! Robin Wayne is in the house!" The dj yells as he's playing dupstep music. "AAHHH! Robin!!" All the girls say as they run up against him and crowed around him with hearts in their eyes. "Hey would you be so kind to take me to my V.I.P table Laddies?" Robin says as he lossens his tie and unbuttons a few buttons of his shirt to show a little of his slender chest so the girls can carry him to his spot. "OMG!!!! ANYTHING FOR YOU ROBIN!!" The girls yell in extreme as they look like a pack of wolves and Robin is the one piece of meat. They all pick him up like a king and take him to the V.I.P as Robin relaxes. Leaving Martin and Raven totally shocked. "Hey Martin does this happen often?" Raven says shocked to what just happened and has never seen so many girls go crazy over someone like they did, like ever."Yes...actually it does I'm suprised I've lived so long!" Martin says shocked and as he laughs a little. "Well let's go to him, he dislike's it when women crowd around him way too much and start doing crazy things." Martin says nervously as he and Raven walks towards Robin and the girls.

"Ah Martin...Raven get this flithy things off me!" Robin yells angrily as some of the girls are pulling on his clothes, kissing his sweaty body from all the body heat around him and some are trying to kiss him in the lips but he keeps on moving his face so they dont. Raven laughed as she looked at this terribly funny scene. "This is what happens when you show off Master Robin." Raven says as she easilly pulls off the girls trying to kiss him while Martin is handling the rest "Whatever I Learned There!" Robin yells frustrated that he wasn't strong enough to push them off him. "Security!" Maritn yells as two muscular men with black clothing and black sunglasses pop out of no where and grab all the crazy girls. "Ah I got his shoe!" "Yeah well I got his tie!" "Man! I didn't get anything!" some of the girls yell as they are carried off as Martin helps. Robin ended up with his hair really messy and his suit torn up and his shirt totally unbuttoned showing his sweaty and red from the beatings chest and abs. As Raven sat right next to Robin "Sorry Master Robin but you look like a bunch of crazy monkeys just attacked you." Raven said as she laughed with a bright smile. Robin blushed bright red as he saw Ravens laughing face turned away from her embrassed "Whatever..." "Wow now what are we going to do let's see..." Raven says as she scoots closer to Robin and gently tries to fix his hair at least. Robin as he still feels all those claws from those monsters around his body jumps a little as goosebumps roll down his body. "DONT TOUCH ME!" Robin yells angrily as he blushes bright red. "Oh..sorry Master Robin, I'll just go tell Martin to get the limo ready.." Raven says with a sad expression and then smiles as she then get's up and walks away. Robin notices how messed up that was "Ah...." he says quietly as he reaches out his hand a little as she walks away.

"Oh hey Raven how is Master Robin?" Martin asks as he spots Raven coming towards him. "He's fine but he wants to go home now.." Raven says with a serious yet sad expression. Martin notices and realizes what made her look like so and then smiled sympathelically "Dont let him get to you he's just in a bad mood from all those crazy girls." Martin says as he pets her head, gently Raven smiles. "You can wait in the limo while I get Master Robin."Martin says as he walks off back into the club. Raven smiles and gets in the limo. "You alright Raven?" Willy asks "Yeah I'm okay." Raven says as she looks out the window to the cresent moon and glowing stars. A few minutes past. The door opens "Man! My night is ruined! Crazy Beasts!" Robin yells angrily as he fixes himself. Martin gets in "Okay Willy we can go!" Martin yells loud enough for Willy to hear. "When we get back you can change into a fresh pair of clothes Master." Raven says as she smiles at Robin. "Ye...Yeah.." Robin says as he turns around away from Raven with a disappointed face at himself.

They arrive at the mansion and Robin and Raven head to Robin's room as Martin goes and take care of other bussiness. "Master Robin you can take a shower while I prepare a your sleepware." Raven say as she points to his bathroom and smiles. "Yeah..." Robin says as he can feel how awkard the atmosphere is. Then heads towards his bathroom as he sneeks a peek and notices Raven still smiling. "Im..sorr" Robin says quietly and then inturrupted "It's alright Master Robin you dont have to appoligize you had a horid experience today so you dont have to worry." Raven says as she smiles as she helps him close the bathroom door. "Ah gosh...What is happening I've always been strict and rude to my employers so why am I feeling sorry for her.." Robin says quietly to himself with a serious expression.

Raven finishes picking out his pj's for Robin and sets them in his bed and prepares his bed for him and then heads back to her room. " was a long day.." Raven says as she closes the door as she leans against the door with a sad expression remembering when Robin yelled at her "Robin...." Then suddenly she hear a noise in her room "Who's there?" Raven asks nervously. "BOO!" Jacob says as he pops his head under Raven's bed with the cutest smile. Then Beast Boy follows under the bed her bed "Oh hey Raven! Wow you look tired." BB says as he smiles.




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