Chapter 1: Hope

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"Okay time to wake up those kids right Alison." Raven's and Jacob's father says to a picture to their mother and his wife that they lost in a car accident while she was going to work 4 years ago. He goes to the first room which is Raven's the oldest to wake her up to get ready for school but once he got in she was all ready dressed up to go. "Woke up earlier again dad!" Raven says with a bright smile. "Ha, thats my indepent girl just like your mom always a head of me." He says with a very proud face. "Well you can go wake up Jacob and get ready for work while I start making breakfast for all of us." "Its a done deal" he answers back as he goes to Jacobs room. Raven goes down the stairs and goes to the kitchen to make a delicious meal that she learned from her mother. All the food she makes she learned from her mom that her mom learned from hers, all the recipes in a big old book with secret ingridients no one else knows. Raven prepares fluffy pancakes that melt in your mouth and feel like your eating pillows also with savory sausage links that slide in like a worm in your mouth and toast that toasted in a perfection that never have a brunt taste in them. Her father and Jacob come in "Wow, Raven you are the best sis ever!" Jacob says with his big eyes and a little drol in his mouth. "Well let's dig in" Raven says with a smile and so they enjoy the meal. "Im in heaven sis." "Hey dont leave without me Jake!" His father says as they fly in the air with wings into the clouds in their minds as Raven laughs and puts away everything she looks at the clock. "Oh hey Jacob we have to go!" She says with a smile at Jacob she grabs his and her's backpack and Jacob follows her like a little duckling. "Bye guys! Have a great day at school and come home safely!" Raven's Father says to their backs as he waves.

"Well time to go to work!" Raven's father heads to work and on his way to his office everyone looks at him with a scared, angry, worried face ignoring it for now he enter's his office and see's that someone is seating in his chair. "Hello Clark(Raven's father's name) I have something to talk to you about that you will no longer need to ever come back to this office."Clark's boss Mr. Rodriguez says to Clark with a serious yet disappointed face.The day goes on and Raven and Jacob head home and see that there is a huge truck for moving in front of their house, confused and worried they walk in the house and see people taking their funiture and belongings to the truck. "Hey! Stop! Take it back!" Raven yells to the men as the ignore her and keep taking their stuff. Jacob hides behind Raven as she looks for their dad. They find drunk him in the kitchen with a bunch of papers and with beer cans in the floor. "Hey daddy why are the meanie's taking our stuff" Jacob says to his dad with a tear in his eye. "Raven, Jacob we lost everything, were going to live in a littlier and older house than this one sorry guys.. im so sorry." Raven's father says as he looks over the bills of the house and the little money they have. "What happened dad! Why! This house has memories of mom!" Raven says to her dad with tears falling after the other. "Okay that's all of it" the last mover says as he goes in the truck and they drive off. "What happend dad, tell me now or I will never forgive you." Raven says to her dad seriously.

"Well I got fired today for a reason that cant be true, they told me that I robbed the ideas on making the new comercial from another company but it isn't true because I came up with it with you guys, remember..I explained but they showed me the comercial anyway and threw me out...after that i went to the bar and drank a few and then headed home then suddenly they some people robbed me of all the money I had which was most of it, then today with the last day to pay all the bills but i couldn't so they took everything!.....Im sorry." Raven's father says as he backs away from Raven and Jacob. Then suddenly a litle bear pops in front of him and says "It's okay dont cry your a man you know and men are suppose to be tuff and musily!" "Thanks beary and Jacob" he says as he turns toward Jacob and hugs him and then Raven hugs them both. "It's alright dad we still love you, it wasn't your fault.." They hug in the street underneath a street lamp. "Okay guys lets go to our new house!" Raven's father says as they put all the belongings that weren't taken in to the truck and head to their new house.

They arrive to the house. Its a small one story house with spiderwebs and no grass and really fadded out paint. They grab all the stuff and head in "Wow it look like a monster used to live here daddy, sissy" Jacob says as he runs behind Raven to hide. "Its not that bad it has electricity and water and a room and kitchen." Clark says as he turns on the light and open's the door to the only room "It only has two rooms the kitchen and this bedroom which has a closet." Raven says as she looks around. "Well lets put stuff in their rightful place guys!" Clark says as he grabs the boxes and starts unpacking them. "We need to clean it up a little first dad! Duh!" Raven says as she grabs what she need's to clean "Yeah Daddy!" Jacob agree's with raven while wearing big purple gloves and apron (which both are meant for Raven) "Haha okay Jacob you can help." she says as she takes her stuff off him and finds suitable clothes for him to help. They finish in half in hour "WOOOOW! Sissy fast as lighting!" Jacob says as his eyes fall a little and starts sucking his tumb. "Okay guys, Raven you and Jacob are going to have this room and I will sleep in the kitchen.'' Clark says "What dad are you sure?" "Yes and no more arguing about this its final!" He says as he sets up their blakets to be soft enough to feel like their normal beds. "Okay dad goodnight" Raven says as she lays Jacob down and closes the door. "Dont worry kids I allready have two new jobs, even the pay isn't good enough to move back to our old house but sooner or later we will have our life's back! Hopefully." Raven's father says to himself as he lays in his bedding with a smile he shuts his eyes.

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