Chapter 21: The Proposal

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       As the full moon shine through the opened tall and huge glass doors that led to the balcony with a breath taking garden of eden as the flowers swayed by the wind and some of the petals flew out into the the wind and the small pond shined and mirrored the bright yet mesmerizing full moon. Raven clutched her hand into a slight  grip as as her eyes were covered by a white silk blindfold nervous yet a little excited as she was being lead by the man who has her heart. Robin smiling softly as his excitement had him in a bit of a hurry to show her a surprise he had been planning for a while. Raven wearing a white cute dress that arched as it hit her waist and as it would cover only half of her thighs and show her curved chest. Robin wearing a black elegant suit with a  white undershirt and a black tie as his suit wrapped around him enough to show his body structure but not too tight. Both were walking quickly down the hall as they approached a room. "Were almost there.. " Robin said softly as he smiled and looked at his beautiful lady. They had reached the room. "Were here." Robin said as he smiled wider and untied the blindfold that was covering Ravens vision. Raven giggled a little as she opened her eyes as they widened a little to see what the surprise was. it was a small circular table with a white table cloth covering it with a small flower bouquet in the middle with two table settings and as the full moon shined the room. As a couple of candles were spread throughout the room. "What is this ? " Raven asked Robin as she smiled and blushed a little. As she then turned towards where Robin was.

        Her eyes widened even more to see him kneeling down as suddenly all the room lit up with candles and red rose petals were found in the ground as they all centered around Robin. Robin who was kneeling down on one of his knees as he smiled towards Raven and was holding a cute little box that was wrapped in a purple ribbon which was ravens favorite color. " why are you kneeling ... ? " Raven asked softly as she couldn't believe what was happening. Robin laughed a bit to her question "Raven, I don't know what you did to me, but eversince I met you, I've become more and  more happier and become a better person that I was. To tell you the truth I completely surrender to you.. you have this power over me that I can't beat but will gladly accept it. I have fallen completely in love with you and you are the only girl I want to do everything and anything with. Im completely most and utterly yours forever. Will you be mine completely as well.. ?" Robin said as he blushed slightly and smiled and unwrapped the box that kept a beautiful diamond ring with a silver band. A tear fell down Ravens red cheek as she laughed a little and ran towards Robin as she hugged him tearing up as she smiled "Yes, I'm yours forever." Robins eyes widened as he grabbed her by the waist and pick her up as they faced eachother "Your mine !" Robin said proudly as he blushed slightly and Raven laughed as she nodded in agreement. As he then brought her to the ground and they met by their lips as they kissed softly and happily as Raven got on her toes to reach up to Robin and candles blew out and the moon shined.

They both laughed as they continued to touch lips. " I love you. " Robin said as they paused with a smile " I love you." Raven said as she smiled back at him. Then suddenly picked raven up and put her on his shoulder as he smirked. Raven laughed " Hey! Put me down ! ." "Nope!" Robin said as he then rushed towards his bedroom. Raven laughing "Where are we going now ?!" Raven asked as she could only see what was behind him. Robin then arrived at his bedroom door. Placed her down as he got the box and got the ring and grabbed her left hand and picked up her ring finger amd slide the ring through "Perfect fit." He said as he smiled and she blushed bright red and looked at him ad she bit her bottom lip. As they both leaned in for another kiss. And then Robin pick her up as he grabbed her by her thighs and they continued touching lips and took short breaks for breaths. Raven continued blushing as Robin did too and opened the door as and closed it as he walked towards the huge perfectly made king sized bed. Layed her down as he went to kiss her neck and caress her body and Raven began to take deep breathes as she wrapped around Robin. As he suddenly noticed he was reaching to far as he almost was going to unzip Ravens dress. He then looked at Raven  as she was gasping and was covered in body warmth and blushing. "Its okay .. I agreed to be yours didn't I ?" she said as she smiled and caressed his cheek. He then grabbed that hand as he lifted it to reach his mask. "You can take it off." Robin said. Ravens eyes widened as they both set up in the bed. Raven leaned in as she slowly took the mask off. As they revealed Robins closed eyes, Ravens took a soft breath in as her heart took slower beats. And Robin opened his eyes to reveal his light blue eyes as blue as beautiful spring Sky with no clouds whatsoever. "Beautiful." Raven said as she was speechless as he let her take the mask off. Robin laughed "These eyes are the same color as my mothers, my dad used to yell at me all the time because of these eyes.. " he laughed " So I decided to cover them up since I would guess they reminded him of her... I thought he would start seeing me more because I didn't show her eyes. But no it didn't work, but now that my dad accepts me, I don't have to hide no more.. I guess I just got to used to wearing it." He laughed to the side as he turned away. Raven then suddenly hugged him from the back as she kissed his back "You have nothing to be ashamed of.. I accept you for who you are. " She said as she smiled and Robin's eyes widened as he truned towards her. She blushed as he faced her. The moon still full enough to fill the room up with enough light. "I want you to be mine completely.." Robin said as he leaned in towards her "but I want the night that I tell everyone that your mine to be the night .. " as he kissed her cheek. And she blushed as she agreed "Okay." 

       The sunlight came in so slightly through the window curtains as they swayed by the soft breeze. They showed glimpses of Robins room. Showing both Robin and Raven both in the bed Robins medium muscular arms wrapped around Ravens fragile body as her face was right beside his as they both were still sleeping ever so soundly with smiles. As a small knock was heard but not loud enough to wake them up. "Mr. Wayne its time to wake up!" Olga said as she pranced in the room happy as ever as she carried a basket of white flower petals throwing a couple around every step she took, with her eyes closed as she does this every morning. She then opens the curtains more to let more sunlight through "Oh what a beautiful day! " She said happily as she then turned towards the bed. With her most happiest of smiles and then threw all the rest of the petals at the bed as they all fell on the bed the revealed both the young lovers nearly dressed Robin wearing a white tank and Raven wearing her spaghetti  strap tank with one of them falling down her arm. As Olga continued smiling she rised up in red like a thermostat boiling up as it was measuring the heat of the sun as she then exploded with her fury and her face turned into a hideous monster and her aura turned black as she grew in size gasping for air. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ????!! MASTER ROBIN AND MISS RAVEN ???!!" she shouted with a very deep and terrible voice as they woke up with both in shock as they blushed bright red. As they were both facing eachother directly and very closely in bed. Remembering what happened last night and everything. Then suddenly Olga rushed up to them grabbed the both as she stood them up and she looked at both straight in the eye. "Its not what you think miss Olga .. " Robin said with nervous eyes as he was still blushing. "Yes it isn't. " Raven agreed as she was blushing slightly yet terrified of Olga. She growled and grew even more furious as she just didn't believe them.

     " From now on I'll be keeping a close eye on miss Raven and Martin will keep a close eye on Mr Robin. Until you both get married there will be no contact whatsoever and were taking extreme measures this time! right Martin ?" Olga said happily as she was in a tv screen showing she was in a surveillance room with lots of screens and Martin right beside her emotionless as ever "Yes." He said. Both Raven and Robin in rooms in different sides of the mansion and shocked as ever. As they both had the same thought in their head that they thought that things will get easier but it turned to the complete worse of situation. As they both became much more eager for their wedding day but wished to see and be with eachother now.


CHAPTER 22 COMMING SOON!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Hope you guys enjoy ! ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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