Chapter 2: Bye Dad

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Raven woke up and found Jacob cuddling her arm with one of his tumbs in his mouth with a giggly smile and Raven smiled "Wake up Jacob we got to go to school." Jacob opened his eyes and then smiled at her and then yawned "Alrighty! Then let me help you make food!" Jacob said. "Alright but you have to get ready first and so do I and dont forget to wake up dad." As soon as she tells him, he runs and doesn't even take 5 seconds for him to come back "Hey Raven daddy left a note!" Jacob says as he hands the note to her.

"What does it say?" Jacob says happy. Then suddenly he notices her face turns serious and her eyes start to go faster down the page. Jacob walks towards her and tugs her shirt. "What does it say?" Jacob says as his eyes start to get watery and then feel a drop of water fall in his cheek. He looks up and notices a lot of tears falling from Raven's eyes. He starts to cry more. "It says that we wont be able to see dad no more and that he left to another city but he will be sending us checks and pictures of him to us." Raven says and then notices that she will have to do something. So she quickly wipes her tears off and gets on her knees and smiles at Jacob."Hey Jacob everything is going to be alright ok dont cry I will get a job to bring dad back to us okay." She says as she hugs him and then wipes his tears "Okay.." Jacob says with a smile. "Okay lets get dressed for school" Raven says as she grabs a pair of his clothes "Go change in the restroom and dont come out until I tell you to." Raven says as she walks him to the restroom for him to change. A few minutes past "Okay you can come out"

"Wow Raven you as fast as the Hare from a story teacher read to us!" Jacob says and sees the breakfast she made for him and her. Raven laughs "Okay lets eat! But remember we still have to arrive in time for you to ride the school bus" As Jacob is in heaven from eating the food she made. "Okay lets go" Raven says as they both finish eating and Raven grabs the keys and Jacob puts on his ladybug backpack and Raven puts hers on and they walk out the house and lock the door. They walk towards the bus stop and wait for the bus."You got everything?" Raven ask's as she smiles at him "Yep pencils, notebook, colors, blankey for sleep time, and food you made for me." Jacob says as he looks through his backpack. "Okay here's the bus.... Have a good day at school Jackey!" Raven says as she see's him off in the bus and waves. Then as she losses sight of the bus she walks to her school. As she walks she notices a tv in one of the stores. "Yes that is correct, I Robin Wayne son of Bruce Wayne the presiden of Wayne interprises is looking for a new personal maid." Robin says to the audience in the conference that is being held in the center of the city. Raven notices this as faith as a job she can get to bring back their dad and she continues to listen. "So when is the competition?" One of the reporters ask "Then competition will be held in my mansions back yard's statium in the first day of the coming month." Robin answers with a uninterested face. "What are your expectations?" Another one of the reporters ask him "The expectations are that all applicants have to be female and around my age and have to be VERY beautiful and make the best food I ever tasted and do all chores perfect as ever and work to their very last breath to make me happy!" Robin suddenly says with a smirk.

"Well thats all, Im completely tired of you trash bye!" Robin says as he walks off the stage and two very beautiful girls with gliterring dresses walk with him out. Raven suprised to see how Robin treats others and realizes it wont be easy at all or even qulified since they have to as very beautiful as those girls. She walks towards her school still thinking if she has the requirements for applying. As she arrives and enters the school all the boys stare at her and some with girlfriends which get slapped for looking at Raven and not them. She doesn't notice none of them staring at her. "Hey Raven" Beast Boy says nervously while blushing a little. "Oh hey BB" she says as she walks towards her locker and doesn't notice all the love notes and red and pink hearts she has glued on her locker from guys. "So... c..c...can..I.. today?" BB says with all his might as though he has been practicing which he has been (he pulled all nighter). "Hmmm hey BB do you think Im beautiful?" Raven says as she looks a little confused at herself. "Ah....Yeah....yeah you are very..." BB says as he looks at her and turns bright red. "Hmmm...are you sure?" Raven ask's still doudting it and one of her strands of her shirt falls lower by the wind and he pulls it back up. "(Gulp) Yes... im sure of it" BB says as he is burning hot and sweating a little. "Oh thanks....Okay.. I trust you" Raven says with a smile and Beast boy faints as she turns back to her locker. "Why is there always a bunch of papers and hearts in my locker? Who keeps on doing this? Dont they know that this is a locker not a trash can?" She says to BB and grabs all the notes and hearts and throws them away in a trash can and walks to class.

Raven realizes "Oh Beast Boy if you want to walk me sure why not." she says as she smiles lightly and doesn't notice BB fainted."Yes!" BB says with all his might still a little blurry. "Hey BB what are you doing in the floor?" Cyborg asked as he notices him. Beast Boy gets a hold of himself and gets up "Hey guess what I'm walking Raven to her home after school!" BB says happy as ever "What no way you did not get the most hotest most finest girl in school to say yes to you walking her home!" Cyborg says surprised and a little jealous. "Man she notices nobody all the guys that have tried get too nervous and faint right when she turns to look at them and she gives them a sweet smile that practically punches them in the face!" Cyborg explains to BB. "Well Im a so cool and handsome and I've known her longer than all these low life combined!" BB says as he tries to act cool and flex's his little muscles."You stayed up all night didn't you?" Cyborg says with a no suprised face and Beast Boy stares blank "Yes.."

All the classes of the day end and BB patiently and nervously waits for Raven in the main entrance of the school. "Hey BB are you sure you want to walk me home?...I dont want to be a bother" Raven says as she touches his hand. "No I...I...I" BB says as he turns bright red and about to faint but gets a hold of himself. "Okay...lets go"Raven says as she and him walk towards her house. "Oh look Master Robin there is a beauty" the butler says to Robin as they pass by on their way to his mansion and notice Raven. Robin looks "Yes...indeed, oh Martin can you tell all my playtoys that it's over and to try harder to please or interest me in the so called stupid relationship" Robin says as he looks at Raven out the window and notices a boy walking with her, he then looks out the other window and they continue to drive.



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