Yu Nishinoya ☔️

Start from the beginning

"Let me go!" I cried

Who ever was carrying me didn't say a word until we got outside. I was placed on the ground and I quickly turned around to see Kageyama.

"Fuck you" I shook my head and looked away.

"Me?!" He asked "What did I do?!"

"I don't know!" I sobbed harder.

I looked to the ground and took a deep breath.

"Tell Sawamura I quit for me would ya?" I asked still looking at the pavement.

"You can't quit-" He began.

"Kageyama" I looked up at him "I can't be near him- ever again"

"He's a dick, I know" he spoke "But we all love you, you can't just leave"

"I'll see you around" I muttered.

I turned around quickly, making my skirt rise a little, and began my way home.


I sat on my bed and looked down at my hands. Tears coated my hands and cheeks as I tried to slow my breathing.

"I hate you" I mumbled.

I slowly stood up and wiped my face with my wet hand, not making much of a difference. I made my way through my empty house towards the front door. I slipped my shoes on and made my way into the cloudy morning. I clutched my sweater closer to my body as the cold fall breeze blew past me.

I didn't want to get up out of bed this morning, I didn't want to brush my hair and teeth, I didn't want to be walking down the sidewalk towards school, but if I didn't; I would look as if I'm weak. And Y/n Y/l/n is not weak.

I finally made it to the entrance of the high school. I took a deep breath and walked through the front doors into the crowded halls. Whispers from students beside me echoed in my ears, I tried to put up an invisible bubble around me but the words spilling out of kids mouths seemed to pop my bubble every time I put it back up.

"I heard Nishioya, the volleyball libero, cheated on her with Naoko" The words of a student swam into my left ear.

"I heard she kicked his ass at practice" More words flew into my right ear.

"I heard she was dragged out of the gym"

I kept my head down as I walked further and further away from the kids. I made my way into my first period class right as the bell rung.

"Y/n?" a sweet voice spoke.

I looked up from my desk and saw Saki looking down at me with concern.

"I heard what happened" She breathed "I'm sorry that happened to you"

"Thanks" I gave her a small smile.

"Well I was wondering of you wanted to get ice cream after school, maybe it will help" She offered.

"You don't have to-" I began.

"Nonsense!" She waved her hand "It would be my pleasure"

"Ok" I smiled "Thank you"

"You're welcome" She smiled.

She turned around and walked back to her desk. I felt a bit of warmth in my chest as I thought about Saki and her actions. But the warmth was devoured by an icy cold feeling within seconds. I looked back down at my desk and thought about Nishioya once again.


I took back Saki's invite to ice cream, I told her I wasn't feeling well. And I don't, I feel different- in a bad way.

"y/n!" I heard a familiar voice and a set of feet running after me.

"What do you want Hinata?" I sighed.

"You can't quit" He panted.

"I can. And I did" I spoke.

"You can't you just can't" He continued to walk beside me.

"Stop being so selfish!" I snapped in the middle of the hallway "I don't want to be your fucking manager anymore Hinata! It's not because of you or Kageyama or Tanaka! It's because of Nishioya! He couldn't keep it in his fucking pants and now I am the one hurting!"

I tried to ketch my breath as the words flew out of my mouth like baseballs flying at a batter.

"So stop thinking about your self and think about why I don't want to be there!"

I quickly stormed away before I made a bigger scene then I already had.

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