SEVENTY SEVEN: Preperations

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Leaving our little holiday home had been hard. Not only for me, but for Dabi, too.

Our time alone had been cut short by one phone call, and we had immediately returned to the mansion, prepared for anything. There had been no attacks, but there had been news. Two weeks until Shigaraki Tomura would return to us.

I was excited about it, for the most part, but at the same time, dread began to swirl in the pit of my stomach. Yes, I would be reunited with a friend again, but as for my other friends...My hero friends...

" you really think we can win..?" Mustard asked softly as he leaned against the back of my office chair. "Like, I know we're strong, but so are the pro heroes. I can dodge much better now, but my defense is still kinda shit."

Tilting my head back as far as I could so I could look at him, I smiled softly, trying to not let any of my concerns show on my face.
"Yeah, I'm pretty confident. You guys have all grown so much in the last few months. I'm kinda jealous." Chuckling, I turned my gaze back to the desk, tapping my pen against the paper.

Wirh everything that had happened, and everything about to go down, I felt like I had to give my parents something. Anything. I knew they'd be concerned about me, even though they were hardly ever present. Just a little note to tell them I loved them, and the reason I had to leave. At least part of it.

"You have too, though! You can move super fast now, and you're way more level headed." Mustard insisted, moving from the back of my chair to my bed, which I shared with Dabi each night when he wasn't busy. "Plus, you're not all rabid anymore...That was freaky."

I was never rabid...

Pouting, I turned around to face him properly, my posture absolutely atrocious.
"I was just a little funky cuz of my quirk...Not rabid..." I huffed, shifting my eyes to the door as I heard it click.
"Actually, you were pretty damn rabid." Dabi strolled in and perched himself on the end of the bed, Mr. Compress following after him, instead opting to stand.

"As much as I dislike using such a term when it comes to you, you did bite me back at the Yakuza escape." He pointed out, which caused me to slump down even further.
"You totally went all master-servant roleplay with Shigs, too." Mustard added.

"I'm being attacked in my own room!" I whined, flopping until only my upper half remained on the chair. "If none of you have any candy offerings as an apology, then be gone!" No sooner had I said it before I squeaked out as something landed on my face, and the chair slipped back towards the desk, leaving me laying on the floor.

"Found a Silky Way bar in the conference room. Have at it." Dabi sighed, watching me sit up as though nothing had happened and rip through the wrapper.
"You're all forgiven, then. So, uh, how are preparations going? We know how many we're up against?" I questioned, mouth full of chocolatey goodness.

"Nothing definite, I'm afraid. There has been no word as to whether the heroes plan to call in any assistance from others across the country, or those Yuuei children, for that matter." Mr. Compress explained, his mechanical arm creaking slightly as he gestured.

So that means Tamaki and Eijiro might be involved...Crud...

"The bird isn't much help. All he does is fly around yapping about the movement and follow Twice like some lost lamb..." Dabi muttered, running a hand through his coarse hair. "...or it could be the other way around, I guess. Either way, he's trouble."

Mustard crossed his legs as he shifted towards the head of the bed, tilting his head as he looked to the ravonet.
"I dunno...I mean, sure, he's weird, but he did kill that denim guy for us. You're probably just jealous because he was training (Y/N)."

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