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Tonight was the night.

My palms were sweaty, my throat was dry, and my heart was going a mile a minute. I wanted to stay close to Dabi, but he was so busy; I didn't want to get in his way.
"Okay, so we all know the plan...Get to your posts..." The ravonette announced loudly. "Don't underestimate these brats. Kill who you need to kill, and remember our targets..."
"I'm gonna collect sooooo much blood! You should totally come with me, (N/N)!" Toga grabbed my arm and shook me excitedly; almost violently, and I swallowed my protests.
"Uh...sorry...I'm...supposed to go with, I mean, Mustard..." I murmured; eyeing the oddly quiet boy, who was standing a few feet away. He seemed...different after the training that was forced upon him. A bad kind of different.
"Oi..." I flinched as Dabi called out to me, but I skittered over to his side immediately. "Just stay in one form. You'll be fine...If anything goes know where to find me." His ocean eyes gazed down at me; dark and stoic, and all I could do was nod once in understanding.
"O..okay..." I said quietly before lightly touching his arm. "P..please stay safe..." I didn't wait for a response and hurried away to follow Mustard, who had already started off towards his post in the middle of the forest. His gas mask covered his face, so I couldn't see his expression, but I knew it was cold and hard; just like Dabi's.

Normally he'd speak to me...

"Hey...Hisoka..? You okay, love..?" I asked timidly; matching his pace.
"It's Mustard...and I'm fine..." He grunted back as he sped up. Crestfallen, I fell back and left him to his own devices.

I wanna go home...

It was silent until we arrived in the small clearing; the summer air stifling. I kept my distance and just stood to the side; looking up at the stars between the foliage - daydreaming to get away from the whole situation.
"I'm...sorry for blabbing about your quirk, (Y/N)..." Mustard said out of the blue. "If I hadn't...then you wouldn't have to be here..." I didn't hesitate to shake my head; a wonky smile etching across my face.
"It's not your fault...He would've figured it out eventually, anyway! I just wanna know if you're okay..?" I walked over and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and the poor boy was shaking, just like I was.
"I'm...great...Just excited...that's all..." He took my hand in his and pulled it from his shoulder, but he didn't let it go. "T..totally okay..." I knew he was lying; I wasn't that daft, and I hated it. He was a kid. He shouldn't have been dragged into a slaughter.
"I'll keep you safe, Hisoka. Cross my heart! I'll be your guard dog!" I puffed out my chest and grinned; faking bravery to ease his mind. He nodded, and we stood there for a few moments before a harsh scent reached my nose. Unmistakable smoke.
"It's time...Activate the MECMO..." He said in a rush; motioning to the small device Mr. Compress had equipped me with. Mini Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation - something that would pump oxygen into my blood so I wouldn't have to physically breathe. It was limited, and it was intravenous, which made me extremely uncomfortable, but I did what I was told.
"R..right...well...let's do this then..." I gave one last faltering smile to Mustard before I morphed into my chosen form. It was something I hadn't used very often, so nobody would put two and two together. A dire wolf. I made sure to tweak my size; my snout level with Mustard's shoulders, as I began to pace around the clearing. The young villain began to emit his quirk; thick clouds of violet gas wafting through the trees, and it made the air heavy.
"They'll drop like flies...and then I won't have to use it..." I could hear him mumble under his breath, but I had no idea what it was. I had my suspicions, but I pushed them to the back of my mind; I had to focus on not inhaling the fumes, anyway.


Time lapsed slowly; we could hear the cries of students and teachers alike from afar, and I was growing restless. One paw in front of the other; round and round in circles; I was nauseous.
"You're making me dizzy..." Mustard sighed; fiddling with the filter on his mask. " about I give you a cool alter ego? keep your mind off it..?"

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