TEN: Blunder

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"I said I can explain...ouch! Quit it, you butt!" I complained loudly as Dabi tossed me into the hedge below my window.
"Climb up. It's already unlocked and open." He ordered; his voice darker than the night he had dragged me through.

Oh crud...he's really mad...

Giving him a shaky salute, I morphed into a squirrel and darted up the tree; making my way into my room and switching back. I edged into the closed door when Dabi followed and held my hands up in futile defense.
"L..look...I..I promised a friend I'd help him study...I l..lost track of time! I left everything open for you! D..don't be mad!" I pleaded as he advanced; stopping a few inches in front of me.
"Yeah...the red-headed first year. Sharp teeth...big puppy dog eyes when he's looking at you...I don't think he was even paying attention..." He muttered; his hand coming out to block me between the cabinet and the door. "And no. You forgot to unlock the window. You're lucky I'm a criminal." I was about to break out into incomprehensible wailing and begging, but something finally clicked. I tilted my head and peered up at the man as my fear dissipated.

Oh em gee...

"You got jealous!" I gasped; my mouth twitching into a giant, goofy grin. His eye twitched and I could hear his teeth grinding. I'd definitely struck a nerve.
"I did not..." He hissed; smashing his hand against the wood beside me. Of course, that caught the attention of my two dogs, who bounded up from downstairs and began to boof and bark.
"Honey, is that you? Did you headbutt the wall again?" My mother called out, and my cheeks heated up a little.
"Uh...yeah!" I replied loudly.
"I'll have to add a crash helmet to the shopping list! I don't want my little girl losing any more brain cells! They're already scarce!" Cue Dabi snickering, and I sunk to the ground; covering my face.
"Okay...I was gonna punish you...but parental input is bad enough." He teased; pocketing his hands and moving to flop down onto my bed.
"Next time, make sure you'll be here."

Yeah...he's jealous...Cute!

"Okay...I'm sorry, Dabi..." I sighed; hiding my smile and walking over to sit by him. "So, did you need something? Or did you just miss me?" He glared at me with sharp eyes before puffing out a breath of air.
"The supplies list from Fuckhands is on your dresser." He motioned towards the crumpled sheet of paper. "Plus I needed to get the fuck away from that freak show...That schoolgirl bitch keeps trying to shank me..."
"That sounds...thrilling..." I sweatdropped; remembering the crazed look in her eyes.
"Yeah, so while Spinner tries to install locks on all the doors tonight...I'm gonna crash here again." He rolled onto his stomach. "Go grab me a chocolate bar or something." I smacked his arm lightly; giving him my best angry look.
"Excuse you! I'm not your slave! Besides...you basically cleared me out last time..." I huffed.
"Fine...then could I please get a coffee? Extra cream, nine sugars." I nodded as I stood up; skipping to the door.
"That's more like it! One coffee comi...Did you just say nine sugars?!" My jaw dropped, and he just quirked a brow.
"Yeah. Nine. I need my sugar fix." He said plainly, as if it wasn't absurd.
"I mean...I have a sweet tooth...but that's a bit...extreme..." I mumbled as I turned the knob.
"You don't know the meaning of extreme, Tenderfoot." He replied in a lazy purr; grabbing my pillow and smothering himself with it. I paused for a moment; thinking of a response.

Well...he always makes crude jokes to me...so...I guess...

"Well, I guess you'll have to teach me, then...won't you..?" I matched his seductive tone, and I saw him visibly stiffen.
"Bold words coming from prey..." He said after a while, but there was definitely a slight nervousness to his voice. Feeling smug, I opened the door; letting Nagisa and Karma inside, before trotting off downstairs.

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