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"You've been gone forever! I don't even miss you! Come back!"

Cuddling a pillow to my chest, I smiled whilst holding the phone to my ear, watching Dabi stoke the fire I had insisted we light without the use of his quirk.
"Jin, it's only been a few days. We'll be back before you know it. How's everything going back there?" I asked, hoping that things were the same as usual.

"Absolute shit, if I'm honest. It's great! Hawks took me for a fly around the grounds before we did some more study on the history of Destro! It was terrifying!" He sounded so excited about his new friend, but the thought of the number two hero made me feel kind of sick. He hadn't exactly shown he was against us, but the feeling just wouldn't go away.

"Give me the damn phone, you sock head!" Another familiar voice on the other end was followed by crackles and scuffling sounds, and I waited patiently for it to end. "(Y/N)! Spinner threw my helmet off the balcony and it got a dent! I'm being bullied and it isn't fair!"

Even over the phone, I could tell Mustard was growing up, despite his childish topic. His voice had gotten deeper, and it made me feel happy. We were all growing, in our own ways.
"I'm sure he didn't mean it, Hisoka. didnt hear it from me...I heard his weakness is his limited edition Z-box controller skin..."

Dabi moved to plop down next to me on the couch, dragging me into his lap and nodding towards the phone in a silent way of telling me to wrap it up.
"So...Dabi hasn't been all over you, has he..? I'll kick his ass if he has been. You deserve to be treated proper, and he just looks like a big, patchy pervert..."

Snickering, I glanced to the man in question, who had heard exactly what had been said. In response, he slipped his hand up beneath my shirt, grazing his fingers against the skin of my stomach.
"I promise, he's been treating me like a queen. So, any news on Tomura yet? Do we know when he's set to come back?"

Shigaraki had been dwelling in the back of my mind lately. I worried about whatever he was doing, and whether he would return the same. It was strange. I felt like I had to be by his side to protect him, but at the same time there was a voice that was telling me to keep my distance. Everything I felt about that man was a mess.

"No idea, but hopefully soon. I'm sick of just sitting around waiting for something to happen." Mustard replied, popping his lips against the receiver, which caused a little feedback. "So, are you sure Dabi isn't being too full on? You can come back any time you want, y'know..."

Before I could respond, Dabi plucked the phone out of my hand and pulled it to his own ear, maintaining eye contact with me the entire time.
"You might wanna look into getting a wheelchair ready. She might not be able to walk so well once I'm done with her."

My cheeks burned hot as he hung up and squeezed me tighter, dropping it beside us on the couch cushions.
"T..Touya! He's a baby! You can't say that stuff to him!" I tried to scold him, but it came out as more of a nervous laugh, wondering if he had really meant it or not.

"Once Kurogiri gets broken out, we'll get him to give the brat the talk. Well overdue. Ain't letting you do it, cuz the little shit's already crushing hard." Sighing, he flopped us over so we were spooning, nuzzling into the back of my neck.
"You're just jealous of anyone else who gives me any kind of attention." I chuckled, tangling my legs with his.

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