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"Uncle! I need a break! I'm gonna die!"

Todoroki and I had been sparring for well over two hours, and I thought my body was going to shut down. The boy immediately ceased fire, literally, and I plopped down onto my bottom, limbs feeling like jelly.
"Impressive, both of you. Fauna, you need to work on the speed of your transformations. Shoto, your control is improving, but you still have a long way to go."

Endeavor had been supervising us the entire time, after Hawks had ditched me to go to a meet and greet. Intimidating as he was, he was surprisingly polite, which went against everything I had ever heard about the new number one.
"Um, thanks, Sir..." I replied, panting as I tried to find the energy to stand up. I really needed to try and talk to him, but after such a workout I had to take a breather.

"Come on, we can cool off on the roof. There's a southerly today." Todoroki offered me his hand, and I took it gratefully, letting him assist me in getting back on my feet. If I couldn't get to Endeavor, at least I could try with him. He was a nice boy, albeit a little flat. Having to double cross him left a bad taste in my mouth.

After filling our water bottles and opting to ride the elevator, we ended up on the roof. He had been right, the wind was cool and refreshing, and I wasted no time in lifting my arms and doing a spin, so everything could cool off.
"Ugh, I'm so out of shape!" I lied, feeling my shoulder click as I stretched. "You know, I'm surprised you're only a first year, Shoto. I guess you got a lot of special training, your dad being such a powerful hero and all."

Shrugging his shoulders, the sentient AC moved to stand by the edge of the building, looking out over the cityscape.
"Too much. He was ruthless." It wasn't the first time I had heard that bitter tone slip into his voice when speaking of Endeavor, so I took our newfound friendship as an advantage.

"You resent him, huh?" I took a place beside him, dipping my hands into the pockets of my (F/C) training shorts. It took him a while, but he eventually nodded, a soft sigh escaping his lips.
"All of us do. He was a horrible person." Usually, I wouldn't try to pry into people's personal lives, but I didn't have a choice. My job forced me.
" mind if I ask you why?"

Todoroki revealed a traumatic section of his childhood, and my heart ached for him. His father's obsession, his mother's breakdown, and how she poured boiling water over his face, causing the scar by trying to ease the pain with her quirk. All he had wanted was a childhood, spent with his brothers and sister.

This was too easy...He's too trusting of me...

"So, your sister has been trying to glue everything back together..." I mused, imaging just how difficult it must have been for her. "What about your brothers?" Turning around, Todoroki sat on the ground, stretching his legs out and rolling his ankles.
"Natsuo doesn't want anything to do with him, which is probably the smarter choice. My other brother isn't around anymore."

I knew it was a touchy subject. Asking about it was probably rude, but if I could get any dirt on the flame hero, I'd take that chance. Following him to the ground, I crossed my legs and hummed, leaning back into the guard wall.
"Oh yeah, you mentioned he wasn't. Did he run away or something?" Todoroki shrugged again, taking a long sip from his water bottle.

"I don't know what happened to him. Natsuo does, I think, but he won't talk about it. At least that's what Fuyumi says. We don't see much of each other." He didn't seem at all uncomfortable, which was good for me. He was spilling the beans, and now I knew that there was something up with the number one. He had weak points, now that he was trying to make amends.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." I frowned, giving him a quick squeeze on the shoulder. "What was his name?" I thought it was a simple question. I didn't even need to know, but I was just trying to show him I cared. Nothing could have prepared me for what came out of his mouth.

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