THIRTY ONE: The Price of a Promise

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(Quick A/N - I realised I completely messed up somewhere along the line. (Y/N) is a third year. I've started backtracking and fixing bits and pieces, so let's pretend I was actually good at basic math and forget I did a big fat oopsie xD)

"Did you hear that news report last night?" I heard someone speak up as I walked down the hallway. I forced myself to go back to school after Dabi stayed with me for three unnecessary days. It was nice; just talking and lazing about, stuffing our faces, even after my parents had returned. They were none the wiser.

"Yeah, I'm not even sorry for the asshole...That's just what villains get!" Another person responded, and I clutched the straps of my backpack tighter.

Th..they can't be talking about Big Sis...can they..? Nobody could know about that...

With plenty of time to spare before class, I made a beeline for Aizawa's homeroom, knowing that I'd be able to squeeze information from the first years without seeming suspicious.
"(Y/N)! You're back!" Of course, Kirishima was the first to greet me; rushing over like an excitable puppy.

"Eijiro! Nice to see you!" I smiled as my default fox tail sprouted from the waistband of my skirt and wiggled about behind me. "Everyone seems to be bursting with gossip today! Do you know what they're on about?"

"You haven't heard?" A few of the other students approached us, and the boy who addressed me shifted his glasses up his nose. "There was a minor cell block commotion at Tartarus. Some of the lower level villains broke out and caused quite the ruckus!"

My tail stopped wagging in an instant, but I willed my second pair of animal ears to stay hidden. 
"Th..that's awful! Nobody was injured, were they..?" I hoped and prayed that the imprisoned members of the league were safe, but something told me I was going to be wrong.

"From the article I read...It sounded like one of the villains who attacked the training camp was hurt, kero. They're being strictly monitored at a hospital somewhere." A ravonette girl with rather big, bulging eyes noted, and Kirishima clicked his tongue.
"Yup! The news said it was that bastard who used his quirk to gas the forest! Serves him right!" I never thought I'd be angry with Kirishima. He was always so kind and understanding, but in that moment; his grin wide and bright, I wanted to sock him right in the kisser.

" could you say something like that..?!" I snapped loudly, causing him and the others to flinch back. All eyes were on us, now, and my ears had popped out and flattened against my (H/C) hair. "Hiso...He's just a kid, isn't he?! E..even if he is a villain, that doesn't mean he deserved that!"

Careful, (Y/N)...You almost slipped up..!

"I kind of agree with your friend, Kirishima...It is a little harsh being so ecstatic about it..." The frog-like girl tapped her chin, but the red-head didn't look too convinced.
"I know he's a kid and all...but he pulled a gun on one of my bros! He deserves everything he gets!"


"You really are an asshole...if you think anyone deserves that!" If I had been in full animal form, my hackles would have been raised. I could see the shock and regret flash through his crimson eyes, but that served him right. I didn't even care about my own vulgar language, and I turned on my heels and stormed out of the classroom.

"(Y..Y/N), wait up! I-"
"Kirishima, I do understand your urgency to patch things up with your lady friend, but class is about to begin! Please sort this out after hours!" I heard the bespectacled boy lightly scold Kirishima as I marched down the hall, the opposite direction of my classroom. With fumbling fingers, I pulled out my phone and made my way outside before mashing one of my contacts.

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