FORTY ONE: Over and Not Quite Done With

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***(Y/N) POV***

It had taken a lot for me to calm down enough to be released by Dabi and Mustard, but I couldn't exactly stay too mad at the pair. I knew they were only looking out for me, and for that I was grateful. Two days had passed, and I hoped it wasn't too late. I would have likely been freed sooner if I hadn't lost my head all over again over Dabi being jealous of my wearing of the teenager's clothing. It wasn't my fault that they were comfortable.

Now, tense and terrified, I was standing out the front of the Amajiki household, barely able to blink, let alone walk forward. If he had reported me to Fatgum, or any of the other pro heroes, I was done for. Part of me still wanted to force him to shut up, but I kept that locked away. I loved Amajiki with a great portion of my heart, and I would never intentionally hurt him, no matter what he did.

Here goes...

Sucking up a breath much too big for my lungs, I marched forward, deflating with each step until I finally reached the stoop. My entire body shook like a leaf in a monsoon as my hand rapped against the door. Never once in my life had I felt quite so cowardly, and the second the meek ravonet was standing before me; mouth full of some kind of food, we both choked in unison.

"(Y..Y/N)..?!" He stepped back quickly, and I was unsure whether it was in fear or surprise. Clasping my hands together in front of myself, I took another ridiculously deep breath.
"We...need to talk, Tamaki..." I announced, hoping he'd at least give me a chance to explain myself. Wiping crumbs from his downturned lips, the boy nodded, stepping aside so I could kick off my shoes and enter his home.

I feel wrong...I shouldn't be here...I'm still not myself...

Silently, he lead me to the living room, politely offering me a seat first, as usual. Once we were both seated, I just stared at the floor, knocking my knees together to try and secretly psyche myself up.
"Why...were you there..?" Amajiki's voice was deeper than usual, and even more excruciatingly quiet. "Why...did you lie to us..?"

I didn't lie...did I?

Thinking back on it, I did. I said I wanted to de-stress before getting back out on the field, and that was far from the truth.
"Look, I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to tell you...and, if I'm're probably going to hate me..." I began, still refusing to meet his eyes. " roped into something not so good. B..bad, actually. Really bad...and...because of that, I had to infiltrate Overhaul's group..."

I'm not explaining this right...

I felt Amajiki shift beside me, definitely uncomfortable.
"How bad?" Even without his typical stammer I could note the fear in his tone.
"I...owe the League of Villains...for rescuing someone important to me..." it should have felt like a great weight had been lifted off my chest, but everything just felt heavier. My closest friend was silent beside me, and I was teetering on the border of scared and irritated.

Please, just say something!

"W..we just need to tell Fat...If you know where they are, then we can-"
"No!" Startling the poor guy, I finally spun around, meeting wide, worried indigo. "I..I mean, we should, but...Dammit, you're never going to understand, no matter how I try to explain it! I care about them, Tamaki!" I knew I should have waited longer to face him. The aggression I had been pushing down was just crawling back up again like some fuming jack in the box.

"Well, then t..try! If you care about them, then they mustn't real villains then, r..right?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was Amajiki really trying to justify everything just because I was involved? That couldn't be it.

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