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***DABI POV***

"Oh thank fuck..." Spinner slumped over with his hands on his knees, panting heavily as we regrouped. Gigantomachia had decided to take a nap, right in the middle of battle, so we were free for at least a few hours.

"Even the freckles on my ass are sore..." Twice complained, rubbing his backside. "We almost had him!" Honestly, I couldn't have cared less about the fight to prove our worth. The only thing on my mind was (Y/N), and whether she was okay or not. Before we had been sent packing from the Doctor's lab, he had given Shigaraki a phone, purely for the use of contacting him. I wanted to get my hands on it and call for a favour.

The only problem was talking to him without blowing up. After Ujiko had begun treating (Y/N), Shigaraki had stepped way out of line in my eyes. He had removed that disgusting hand from his face and placed it by her side. That didn't sit well with me one bit. The fact that he had refused to allow me to stay with her also had me fuming, but I didn't have the gall to fight him about it. At the very least, he had let the twerp and the old man remain to watch over her.

"Hey, look, Atsu's back!~" Toga called out from her place on a rock, though her sing-song voice was lacking the usual energy. She pointed towards the masked man, who was dusting himself off after an obviously messy teleportation.
"I do wish we had a more pleasant means of travel..." He muttered, taking his hat off to shake it out.

"How is she?" I blurted out my question rather quickly, for once not caring how pathetically needy I sounded.
"Awake and on the mend." Mr. Compress replied, approaching our little group. "Though, she is rather bitter about being forced to the sidelines. Mustard is currently watching over her at her abode."

Why the hell would she be bitter about missing out on this shitshow?

"How long until she can return?" Shigaraki questioned, tilting his head so his hair fell to reveal the scarred expanse of his neck.
"I would say a few days. A week, at most. Once she's over the lethargy she'll be as good as new." I glared at the wannabe magic man, knowing full well that he wasn't mentioning something important.

Turning to our leader, I held out my hand.
"Give me the phone. I wanna check in on her." It wasn't a question, and he damn well knew it, directing his head in the opposite direction.
"No. Nobody is going to come and go as they please. Suck it up." He replied flatly, his nails raking against the earth he sat on instead of his own skin.

Gritting my teeth, I refrained from cremating him then and there.
"Don't you want me to work on the new recruit I've been grooming? How am I supposed to do that when I'm stuck all the way out here in ass-fuck nowhere?" It was obvious he knew I had a point, but of course, he didn't want it to seem like anybody could boss him around.

"You just want to get all touchy with your little girlfriend." He muttered sourly, grunting as he stood up and stretched his arms over his head. I was positive a vein was jutting out of my forehead now, but I still stretched my lips into a smirk.
"What? Jealous that you can't touch anybody?"

Oh, when he spun around that hand of his was dangerously close, but Mr. Compress had grabbed hold of his wrist, keeping him from moving it that extra inch or so.
"Let's not get aggressive here, gentlemen! If you would accept my two cents, I believe it would be beneficial to send Dabi out for a while. If not to boost (Y/N)'s moral, then to gather recruits. Goodness knows we need them now more than ever."

"Ugh, whatever..." The powderet yanked his arm away, kicking at the dry earth with his red sneaker. "It's not like he was any help to us today anyway..." Usually, that would have been enough to piss me right off and then some, but I chose to ignore his insult when he tossed the cellphone to me. Walking away from the group, I dialed the code the doctor had provided us with, bringing it to my ear.

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