TWENTY TWO: Okay...It's Okay

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"Oh, lord and mercy, you poor baby doll!" Magne announced her arrival as she raced over and began fussing over me; concern written all over her face. "Come here, sugar...Up we get..." I squeaked as she lifted me up with ease and placed me in a seated position on the gurney; giving her a gracious smile.
"Thanks, Magne..." I said tiredly; giving my shoulder a few rotations and wincing.

"I'm so sorry I took so long! That crusty little asshole only just told me to come!" She looked so guilty, and I hated it. Sure, I'd been in here for hours; I couldn't even tell how many, but it wasn't her fault.
"No, it's fine...I understand...He's a Dabi okay..?" I felt a little embarrassed to ask about him, but Magne perked up a little when he was mentioned.
"Lover boy? He's on guard duty...That firecracker we brought in really is a handful...Oh! I brought you some water and something to eat!" She handed me a slightly dented water bottle and a (F/F) poptart. "We...may have run out of food again..." Starved, I tore open the package and dug in; quickly chasing the stale confectionery with a guzzle of water.
"How are you holding up? The Pussycats aren't easy opponents...A..and what about the others..?" My (E/C) eyes scanned her over for any injuries, but she brushed me off with a chuckle.
"Honey, I'm fine! Just a few bruises! A few were left behind, though...Muscular, Moonfish and-"
"Mustard..." I whispered his name quietly; the plastic of the bottle buckling in my tightened grip. "I..I'm so sorry I couldn't protect him..."
"Oh, no no no no, sweetie! No crying!" Magne pulled me into her bosom; stroking my hair and rocking me back and forth with just a little too much force. "These things happen! You did your absolute best! He's young...he'll get a light sentence, I'm sure!"

Even so...I want him to come back...He's too young for Tartarus...

"You must be exhausted, love...Come on, lay down and sleep, for now. I'll be right here, so don't you worry your pretty little head!" She laid me down before I had a chance to object, and that's when I realised just how drained I really was.
"O..okay...Thanks, Magne...You're really kind..." I smiled at her softly, and she beamed back; her eyes looking so gentle peeking above her shades.
"You're such a precious little thing...Sleep well, honey. We'll get you home soon."



"-CRUSTY BALLSACK OUT OF HERE!" I jumped awake; Magne's bellowing startling me greatly. Sitting up, I realised she was standing in front of me protectively; Shigaraki and Spinner standing a few feet away.
"I've had enough of this. Just move out of the way..." The villain muttered; his nails raking across his flaking neck. "I make the rules."
"Touch one hair on her head and both Dabi and I will-" Magne started to retort, but then she was gone. Warped away by a familiar, swirling portal.

Oh crap...

"Wh..what are you gonna do..?" I asked; my voice trembling as I got to my feet. There was that smirk again, and I felt a chill rush down my spine.
"You see...I was thinking...I know you had that whole disguise thing going on...but was it enough? I believe it would be smarter to...rough you up a bit...send you off to the heroes...It would be a lot more entertaining, too!" He explained with a snicker; motioning to Spinner. "Just let him beat up on you a little and we won't have any problems! You'll do that for us, right?" My throat was drying out, but for some twisted reason, it made sense. It didn't really, but in that moment it did to me.
"I..." Swallowing, I met his crimson eyes. "...deserve it after what I did..."

I'm sorry, Hisoka...Mustard...I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you...

"Yo, boss...I don't exactly wanna beat up on her, man..." Spinner piped up; rubbing his forearm and kicking at the ground. "She's pretty cool, and-"
"Do it. I'll dispose of you if you don't." Shigaraki cut him off; intimidating him into approaching me slowly.
"I' fucking sorry, kid..." The reptilian murmured as he frowned at me; cracking his knuckles.

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