NINE: Black, Burnt & Red

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The sound of birds cawing outside my window made me groan and cover my ears.
"Make it stoooooop!" I whined loudly; my voice crackly and hoarse.
"S..sorry, (Y/N)...I can't c..control them..." When that voice hit my ears, I toppled out of the bed with a crazed squeak. It was not my room, and most certainly not my own bed.
"Eh?! Ta..Tamaki?!" I peered around; frantically rubbing the crust from my eyes. It was then that I realised the poor, meek boy was curled up at the foot of the bed.
"That's me..." He sighed; sitting up and stretching his arms above his head.

Oh my god...I must've fallen asleep in his bed and he wouldn't wake me...Cute!

"Tamakiki, you big softy! You should've just shoved me off!" I giggled as I jumped up and flung myself onto him; making him squirm and wail in shock.
"(Y..Y/N)! T..too much! Too much!" He squealed whilst I cuddled up to him. I finally released him and sat up on my knees.
"We gonna go to school, or what? Oh, and we work with Gummy after lunch, don't we?! Sweet!" I clapped my hands; a fluffy, wagging tail appearing behind me.
"Y..yeah...Uh...also...your phone was going off before..." Amajiki averted his eyes and pointed to the bedside table where I had thrown my phone the night before. A bundle of nerves began to rise in my gut when I reached out for it.

I really hope it isn't that Kurogiri guy...

From: Unknown Number

It's me, Tenderfoot. I'm coming over tonight so leave that window of yours unlocked ;)

A small smile crept onto my face as I read Dabi's text, but I yelped as Amajiki cleared his throat.
"Uh...who...texted you? You seem...happy..." His fringe covered his eyes, and I absently clutched my phone to my chest.
"Oh, it was just Daaaaaaaaaaaa...."

Oh, mothballs! I can't say Dabi!!

"...aaaaaaaaichi! Yeah! I set Woogle assistant to send me photos of Daichi from Haikyuu every day! He's such a cutie!" I giggled almost psychotically, and Amajiki just shook his head slowly.
"You and your anime boys..." He mumbled; a hint of a smile playing his lips. "Well, we'll be late if we don't get a move on...I'll go...get the bathroom..." With that, he quickly hopped up, grabbed his uniform and scurried off like the blessed little elf he was. I released a long, shaky breath I had been holding and hurried to respond to Dabi before I got ready for school.

To: Da-Babi

Sure! But please don't bring any of your friends along...I don't think my heart can take it! 😱 X


"...and I was just naked. Like, completely naked in front of this whole family! It was mortifying, but I hope they got that gift basket I sent as an apology!" Mirio laughed cheerfully as we strolled down the hall; ready to pack up and head out to our internships.
"Oh gosh! How funny would it be if there were, like, bananas in it! They'd get a reminder of you, that's for sure!" Nejire giggled loudly, and Mirio paused as a light blush tinted his cheeks.
"I may have made...a terrible mistake." I covered my mouth to muffle the horrendous snort that threatened to break through, but a loud voice made me turn my head.
"Hey! (Y/N)! Wait up!" I smiled sweetly as Kirishima bounded up; panting a little from running after me.
"Oh, hey, Kiri!" I petted his spiked hair fondly. Flushing a little, he fumbled with the hem of his blazer.
"Uh, I was wondering if you had time to help me study! We have exams in a few days...and if I don't pass I can't go on the summer training camp!" I was about to agree instantly, but then I realised my predicament.
"I can't at the moment...I have to head off to my apprenticeship! about I come over tonight for a while and give you a hand? Can't have you missing out on all the fun, can we?" His face grew even redder, and his mouth popped open.
" mean come over to my place? Uh..s..sure! Sounds great! I'll text you the directions, then!" He stammered as he tried to steady his grin. "It's so cool that you get to work with a pro! Maybe I could work at the same office you do one day?!" I pinched his rosy cheeks; how could I not? He was too precious.
"I'll put in a good word with the boss man! I'm sure he'd just love someone as sweet as you!" I giggled; tapping my finger to his nose and skipping off after Mirio and the others.

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