FOURTEEN: Care to Admit

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*(Y/N) POV*

When I woke up, Dabi still hadn't returned. I shook off the emotional blow and removed the dirtied hoodie; shoving it into one of the discarded plastic bags from my shopping trip and decided to wander down towards the bar.

I guess I messed up...oh well...

"Good morning, Kurogiri!~" I sang as I strolled into the dim room; a forced bounce in my step.
"Ah, good morning to you, too, Miss (L/N). Early to rise, I see." The misty man greeted me; slightly turning his head from where he was tinkering with the percolator.
"Well, I do have school..." I sighed before realising we weren't alone in the room. There was Dabi; slumped over against the wall with a concerning number of empty bottles around him.

Oh...That's where he was...

Kurogiri approached me; the back of his spectral hand coming to rest against my forehead.
"I must insist you take a day to rest, Miss (L/N). You seem rather pale after Miss Toga's pathologist play..." He said; his hand moving to my shoulder to lead me to one of the many vacant stools. "I shall write a note explaining your absence. Please, take a seat and I shall fix something to nourish you." I complied; still completely baffled by how a villain could be so kind. How could any of them be so kind?
"Thanks, did you know about Toga..?" I questioned; my feet swinging and inch or so off the ground. The villain sighed as he faced away from me; hands busy in preparation.
"Mr. Dabi seemed to have a lot to say when he came to embalm himself with liquor..." He explained; motioning his head to the passed out ravonette.
"Ah..." I deflated a little; realising that he likely spilled about our intimate encounter.
"Do not be discouraged, Miss (L/N). He is a troubled young man, and I believe he just doesn't know how to cope with his incertitude." The wise man went on; his topaz eyes soft as he placed a steaming mug of coffee in front of me, paired with a rather delicate looking sand which; complete with olive and toothpick.
"Thank you, Kurogiri..." I smiled; pulling it closer so I wouldn't blemish his countertop with crumbs. "D..did he say anything about me..?"

Of course he did...probably about how dumb I am...

"Indeed. He said you are the most confusing person to walk the earth." Kurogiri responded; his own coffee hovering by his face.

D..does he even have a mouth..?

"He may not show it...but that boy treasures your companionship more than he cares to admit ...He did a lot of that during his drunken ramblings..." He continued; sipping daintily.
"Bwait....wh?" I froze; mouth full and cheeks puffed, and stared in confusion.
"Please refrain speaking with your mouth full, Miss (L/N). Mr. Dabi is just perturbed by the thought of you becoming embroiled with our cause. As bestial as he is, he holds your innocence as something...rather salient." I had no idea what half of his words meant, but I got the gist of it.
"Shwo..." I swallowed; making Kurogiri irk a little. "'re saying he likes me...but he doesn't want me to be in danger..?" The man nodded; the wisps of the top of his head drifting off towards the ceiling.
"That is what I made of the one sided conversation. A drunken man tends to speak truths." He placed his mug onto a conveniently placed coaster and turned towards the comatose villain. "I should probably warp him to his quarters..."
"W..wait!" I stopped him; jumping down from the stool. "Uh...can you give me a minute with him?"
"Certainly. I shall divert my attention to the making of Shigaraki Tomura's coffee." I made my way over to Dabi; kneeling down beside him and gently pushing his head up. His breaths were long and slow, and he looked completely wrecked.
"And you call me a stupid girl..." I sighed; using the back of my hand to wipe the drool leaking from his parted mouth. His staples were cold against my skin, but in a good way. Everything about him was good in my eyes.

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