FIFTEEN: A Date with Disaster

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“C..could you repeat that, please?” I stammered; pressing my phone harder against my ear, as though it would help me.
You heard me, Tenderfoot…” Dabi growled; his voice crackly in the receiver. “We're doing something tonight, so be ready by half eight.” I peered over to Amajiki, who was a few feet ahead of me with his head down. We were on patrol, and I didn't want him to ask any questions.
"Sure...I can do that! Usual place?" I kept my voice low, but my body was quickly filling with excitement.
"What? Your fucking bedroom? Yeah, sure...whatever..." He hung up without another word, and I found myself holding my phone to my chest.

He wants to see me?!

"Who were you talking to..?" I nearly leapt out of my skin when Amajiki spoke; having dropped back to walk by my side. I waved him off in a fluster; shoving my phone into my belt pocket and smiling.
"Just an old friend!" I waved him off casually as I scanned the area, hoping for some kind of distraction. I hated lying to my closest friend, but there wasn't much I could do about it. "It's been boring lately..."
"Good...I don't want you getting hurt again..." He mumbled under his breath, and I pouted.
"That was one time! I'm not made of glass..." I whined; tugging on his ivory cape. He stopped walking and hunched his shoulders; lips pursed tight.
"B..but...I was the one that found you were barely breathing..." The tips of his pointed ears began to quiver a little, and I scrunched his cape a little tighter. "...C..can you b..blame me for being of you, (Y/N)..?"

Holy moly ravioli, this boy is gonna send me on a feels trip!

"KIKI!" I wailed; yanking him backwards into a constricting hug. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, YOU PRECIOUS LITTLE SASUKE ELF! WAAAAAAAH!" He made an array of pitiful squeaks as I nearly suffocated him, but he didn't try to squirm away.
" too..." He whispered softly. "A..actually...(Y..Y/N)...I-"

"STOP! TH..THEIVES!" A loud screech sounded out from down the street, and we both sprung into action.  It had come from the shooting range; the one with high security that only licensed lawmen and artillery-wielding heroes like Snipe were permitted to use. The alarms were blaring, and I skidded to a halt the second I laid eyes on the perpetrators. I couldn't mistake the gas mask-clad boy, nor the scaly reptilian skin that was glinting beneath an oversized red scarf.

S..Spinner?! A..and Mustard?!

"Shit! Are they Pros?!" I heard the younger boy call out as Spinner hurled a filled sack into the back of what looked to be a delivery van. The Stain-wannabe gave us a quick look-over before scoffing; rolling his eyes.
"Nah, they look like kids! Hurry the fuck up before they call the real pigs!"  I didn't know what to do. I was supposed to be a hero in training, but I was also supposed to be helping the League. Spinner was a pretty rude man, but Mustard was just a kid. How could I fight against a thirteen year old boy who called me at two o'clock in the morning asking if I wanted to play twenty questions? Just because he was bored and nobody else in the league wanted to chill with a kid?

I'm a hero first...

"CALL FATGUM! I'M ON IT!" I ordered Amajiki, who attempted to grab me by the collar.
"W..wait! D..don't be reckless!" It was too late. I was already rushing towards them; body bending and morphing into that of a Jaguar. Visibly terrified, the pair of villains leapt into the van; Spinner in the front, and Mustard hopping into the back as he reached to close the doors as they hooked out into the street.

Come on come on come on! A little faster..!

When I made the jump, I honestly thought that the extra three breakfast burritos I had that morning would drag me down onto the bitumen, but somehow, I managed to land in the vehicle. The doors slammed behind me, and I heard Amajiki calling my name over Mustard's high pitched squeal. Baring my teeth, I growled at the young villain, who scrambled to reach into the sack and pull out...

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