EIGHT: Earning Trust

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“Tonight...you're in my world…” His suggestive purring made my skin tingle, and I didn't know why. I wanted to pin it on fear, but that definitely wasn't it.

“B..but...I don't wanna be a cat all night…” I complained; turning my head away so I wasn't so close.

“Not even for a saucer of whiskey?” He asked in an attempt to persuade me. I frowned and turned my head even more; craning my neck as far away as possible.

“I'm an innocent student!” I pointed out; momentarily shocked that he'd suggest giving me alcohol.

Oh, wait...he's a villain...rules don't apply…

“Yet, here you are...red faced and trembling under a man five years your senior…” He sighed in amusement; a roguish glint in his eye as he licked his discolored lips. “...Not exactly innocent…” I shifted my gaze and blinked at him owlishly; pursing my lips as I studied his face up close.

“But...you're Dabi?” His brow furrowed slightly at my words.

“And?” He leant in a little closer; our noses very nearly touching.

“Well...if it's you, it's okay...right?” I sounded unsure, but it felt like the truth to me. There it was again; that faint tint of red upon his unmarred skin as he pulled back, averting his eyes and coughing loudly.

“You...really are a grade A idiot…” He muttered; sweeping his unruly hair back.

He's kinda cute when he goes all shy…

“Hey, Dabi..?” I sat up on my knees and scratched my chin. “Can I ask you something super duper important?” He turned back around and stretched; rubbing his injured side.

“Is it really important?”

“Yep. It's like, crazy important.” I nodded once; a serious expression creasing my face.

“What is it?” I clenched my fists over my knees and took a deep breath.

“When’s dinner?”

“.....How the fuck did you survive infancy?”

“Parental dependency and sheer luck.”



After a full hour of grinding Dabi’s patience down to a nub, I finally convinced him to bring me back out to the bar. I padded along happily behind him as he grumbled his usual cusses, and I made sure to keep a sharp eye out for the cat-eyed girl so I wouldn't end up crushed in another surprise embrace.

“You could always try to catch a rat or something? I'm sure there's plenty scurrying around...” The ravonette chuckled dryly, and I snorted in response; tail twitching.

Rats don't suit my tastes...believe me, I've tried…

When we entered the bar, the mood was unsettling. All eyes were on us as we walked inside. All eyes were on me.

“Good evening, Mr. Dabi...and…” Kurogiri gave me a funny look; as far as I could tell from his featureless face, before he turned back to Shigaraki. That man was burning holes through my form, even with that creepy hand covering his eyes, and I didn't like it one bit.

“Why the stink eye, Crusty?” Dabi asked rudely; seating himself on a stool beside some guy in what I could only describe as a conservative gimp suit.

“Kitty kitty! I hate cats, ugh!” He said in two different tones; picking me up and sitting me in his lap.

Um...okie dokie?

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