SIXTY NINE: Sassy Pants

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It didn't take long for almost the entirety of the original League members to commune in Dabi's room, much to his dismay and my delight. Despite wanting to have alone time with the man I loved, being able to hang out with my friends was therapeutic, too.

Eventually, however, Hawks made it clear that he wasn't going to wait any longer, and insisted we had to leave. Dabi threatened him, Toga and Mustard complained like children, but surprisingly, the one who had the most dramatic response was Twice.

In the kitchen, as Hawks grabbed a snack for the road, Twice dropped to the ground and wrapped his arms around my middle, sniffling and snuffling loudly.
"Don't go, (N/N)! Family ain't supposed to split up! Think of the children! It's me! I'm children!" He wailed, and, even though it was a little over the top, it damn near broke my heart.

(Illustration by my beautiful, talented, denkilicious Wi-Fi wifey, pseudo_eternity)

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(Illustration by my beautiful, talented, denkilicious Wi-Fi wifey, pseudo_eternity)

"Jin, I'll be back before you know it, I promise...I don't want to go, but I'm doing this for all of us." It was already hard enough, trying not to cry, but the man clinging to me was making it that much harder.
"I won't let you! Have a safe trip!" He whimpered as he stood up, and I gave him a tight, warm hug, rocking him to and fro on the spot.

"Listen, I want you to be careful when it comes to Hawks, okay? I have a bad don't tell him anything too important, alright, sweetie?" I made sure I whispered low enough so only he could hear me, and he paused for a moment, nodding slowly before pulling back to give me an energetic salute, the eyes of his mask still damp.

"Aye aye, capt'n! I can't hear you!" He shouted in what I hoped was confirmed, and I gave him one last smile before turning, only to be knocked back with yet another embrace.
"If you see that metal bastard who broke my face, can you break his for me? Just a little bit?" Mustard asked hopefully, his meek voice muffled by his mask.

Everyone's making this so hard! It's not their fault I'm an emotional wreck, but ahhhhhh!

"I'd probably break my hand, but we'll see..." I chuckled sadly, feeling my eyes begin to water. Toga asked me to gather some blood samples, which I wasn't too keen on, and Spinner gave me an overly-masculine bro-fist, telling me that Compress sent his well wishes. The poor magician was holed up in his room with a cold.

Lastly, came Dabi. The one temporary farewell I wasn't even remotely prepared for.
"Don't do anything stupid. I'm not gonna be there to save your clumsy ass..." He muttered, his warm hand coming down to ruffle my hair. There it was. The inevitable waterworks.
"O..okay...I'll...t..try..." I murmured in response, wiping at my eyes with the back of my sleeve.

"Don't worry, Dabi! I've got her back!" Hawks tried to put the ravonet at ease from across the room, where he leaned on a bench, crunching on a stick of celery he'd found. Turning rigid, Dabi gave him a blank stare before he leaned in towards me, scooping my face up in his hands and giving me a kiss.

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