FIFTY: Such a Big Fan

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"If you walk out that door without me, we're through!"

Dabi snorted in amusement as I stood in the doorway, fists balled tight at my sides with Mustard standing behind me, cereal spoon sticking out of his mouth.
"No we're not." The ravonet said with a roll of his eyes, continuing down my driveway, hood pulled over his head. It was extremely early in the morning, and I wasn't doing anything to help his attempt at being inconspicuous.

"O..okay, you're right, we're not, but I'm gonna be pissed if you don't take me with you!" I barked back, probably sounding like a testy lapdog. Waving over his shoulder, Dabi turned, lips pulled into a tight smirk.
"Use that anger and turn it into energy to go out and get the twinky twerp some actual clothes. He looks like a rabid toddler's Barbie doll after playing hair dresser!"

In unison, Mustard and I both flipped him off rather spectacularly, and kept the gesture up until he was well out of sight. As soon as he vanished, I spun around, almost making the younger boy choke on his cinnamon toast crunch.
"Come on. You can wear my dad's hoodie and sweats. I'm not staying here."

He scrambled after me, abandoning his unfinished breakfast on the hall table and nearly tripping on everg second step as we ascended the stairs.
"Ho..hold up! You need to take it easy! Ujiko sa-"
"Do I look like I fucking care what Humpty Dumpty gone wrong said?" I interrupted, bursting into my parent's bedroom and making a beeline to the closet.

"Well, no...but I say so too!" Even in my almost disassociated state, I found Mustard's attempt at being assertive absolutely adorable.
"I know you do, honey. Now, put these on!" After throwing him a set of clothes which he would likely swim in, I marched right back past him, out the door and towards my own room.
"Don't j..just disregard what I say!" He complained, nearly having a seizure when he walked in on me with my shirt partway over my head. "'re getting w..way too comfortable around, (Y/N)!"

I literally had no idea what he was on about, continuing to change into a pair of every day clothes.
"I told you to put the clothes on. What, do you need me to dress you?" I clicked my tongue, though my tone wasn't exactly harsh. Not once had I seen that boy's face so red, and he spun in a tight semi-circle on his heel, quaking in a way that seemed to remind me of someone I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Absolutely not..!" He shouted, timidly beginning to strip off, though I didn't pay him any mind. Once I had dressed, and once I had helped the poor child find the head hole in the hoodie, I hurried downstairs, making sure to quickly pet both Nagisa and Karma on the way towards the door. I had been correct when I had assumed Karma would forgive me before dinner. He didn't show any signs of fear anymore, which had come as a relief.

Grabbing one of the several coloured leashes from the hooks by the door, I made a short series of kissy noises, luring Nagisa right over to me. She yapped and licked at my arms as I unbuckled her blue collar, pulling it up around my neck and turning to Mustard.
"Do this up for me, would ya?"

Beyond confused, he did what I asked, one of his eyes squinting as he dropped a brow.
"I'm honestly at a loss right now. Isn't this a little too adulty for my innocent eyeballs?"

This kid knows too much for a thirteen year old...

"I can follow Dabi's trail using my quirk. I need you to look like you're walking me, otherwise I'll probably be picked up by the pound again." I explained quickly, giving his cheek a thank you pinch before jetting back down the hall, soon returning with my father's Gang Orca baseball cap and a medical mask, which Mustard irked at.

"I'm not wearing hero merch." He stated firmly, batting the black and white cap away in disgust. Groaning, I felt my exasperation grow. We needed to leave as soon as possible if I was going to have any chance of tracking Dabi.
"Tadashi Hisoka, if you don't quit the spoiled brat act I will explain, in full detail, what Dabi's dick looks like."

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