ONE: Out of Reach

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(This fic may stray from the original storyline and WILL INCLUDE MANGA SPOILERS)

*Seven Years Later*

Taaa-maaaa-kiiiii!~” I pranced around the office and almost dove over the desk; startling my poor, anxious friend when my grinning face seemingly popped out of nowhere. Like a flash, he had kicked his office chair off from the table and scooted across the room in panic; face glowing red and turning to press his forehead against the far wall. “H..hello…(Y..Y/N)...” Amajiki mumbled in a fluster; using his cape as some kind of social shield.

“I'll get a smile out of you yet! That's a promise!” I announced; giggling at his nervous antics before vaulting over his desk and making my way over to my big, rounded target. “Dadgum! Guess what I got!~” Upon hearing my singsong voice, Fatgum leant back in his chair and grinned; his lack of neck making him look like a happy, oversized egg.

“If it's takoyaki I'm gonna seriously adopt you.” I could see the drool already glistening around his mouth, and I pulled the large takeout box filled with his favourite treat out of my handbag.

“My parents would probably have something to say about that...but you'd make an awesome dad!” I chuckled as he uttered a quick “thanks for the meal” and began to shovel then into his mouth.

How did you fit that into such a small bag..?” Amajiki asked in wonder; still lingering by the wall.

“Sheer willpower!” I replied with a grin; placing my bag down by my own desk.

And leaving my own snacks at home…

During my first year, I had done my first compulsory internship with Fatgum, and I couldn't imagine choosing another hero office. I looked up to the man simply because his smile was absolutely infectious. He was a kind soul, who welcomed me with open arms and pockets full of sugar, and ever since I had been a part of his team. I met Amajiki on my first day, but he hadn't actually spoken to me until after a month or so of pestering. I had known he wasn't trying to be rude; he was just the epitome of anxiety, but he became relatively comfortable with me as time went on. I became great friends with his classmate Mirio, as well; we both shared such a sunny disposition, and together we did our best to help Amajiki out of his shell.

“Now…” Already, Fatgum had completely cleared the foam box of takoyaki and was waddling over to the bin to discard it. “...we've had some trouble around town recently...lots of territorial gang bangs, ya know!” Both Amajiki and I sweatdropped as we exchanged a glance; the pixie-eared ravonette returning his face to the comfort of his wall.

“ may wanna rethink your phrasing, there…” I giggled behind my hand; watching the pro’s eyes grow wide.

“ know what I meant! Anyway, we'll be splitting up and doing our usual crime watch! I'll take the north, Suneater will do the south, and Fauna will do the west!” He clapped his hands together and started towards the door.

“Uh...don't you think the west is a bit...dangerous for (L/N)?” Amajiki asked in a murmur as he trailed after us.

Awww, he's worried about me! The big softy!

“I'll be fine, Kiki!” I dropped back and hooked my arm with his. “I'm super tough!” His face was a brilliant red as he let me drag him along; still not used to my touchy nature.

“That you are, kiddo!” Fatgum beamed as we all squished into the elevator. It was no easy task when he was in his pro form. “Besides, I reckon it's about time she did a solo task!”

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