ELEVEN: Milk, Eggs and 5 Litres of Disinfectant

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"You really didn't have to come help me with the shopping, guys..." I said nervously as I looked between Amajiki and Kirishima. The latter was casually leaning against the bar of the trolley, whilst the former was just standing and staring at a colourful box of cereal.
"It really isn't a problem, (Y/N)! A real man lends a helping hand!" Kirishima announced cheerfully, whilst the ravonette nodded in timid agreement.

I'm thankful...but...not when I'm buying for a clan of criminals...

"S..so...what do you need?" Amajiki asked, and I quickly pulled the large, handwritten list from my pocket.
"Um...let's see..." I scanned the first few requests; unintentionally flinching as Kirishima came over to read over my shoulder. "Milk...eggs...and..."
"Why do you need five litres of disinfectant..?" He raised a perplexed brow, and even Amajiki seemed mildly curious. Sweatdropping, I shrugged and rammed the sheet of paper into my shirt.
"Well...you know how mothers are! A clean home is a happy home!" I laughed forcefully; scuttling off to the refrigerated isle to get the first two items with the red-head whilst my classmate went to retrieve the disinfectant.
"What sorta milk? Low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy? Light, skim, omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate, or extra dollop?" I couldn't help but deadpan at Kirishima, who had the cheesiest grin plastered on his cherub face.
"Um...I just want milk that tastes like real milk?"
(This is literally from an Aussie ad for milk. I couldn't help myself. It's art.)

"Just one?" He queried; placing one in the trolley.
"Uh...maybe...seven..? Please?" I knew it was a horrible idea to let them tag along, but I knew I'd have no chance of carrying everything home by myself, nor could I have requested a warp gate straight from the supermarket.
"Upping the calcium! Love it!" Kirishima chuckled; loading the rest into the steel tray. "What's next?"

Oh, lord...please don't make me say it..!

"Um...well..." I cleared my throat and puffed out my chest. "Twelve jars of instant coffee...nine bags of salt and vinegar crisps...two bags of cool ranch Doritos...five loaves of bread...a jar of both crunchy and smooth peanut butter...eight packs of toilet paper...and two onions..."

What the actual..?

Kirishima's eyes bulged as he processed what I'd just read out before a wary smile formed.
"Wow...that's a...strange list..."
"I know, I know...but that's what mum wrote..." I hated lying. It wasn't in my nature, but I'd made a promise. I swiftly tore the list into three sections; handing two to Kirishima and keeping one for myself. "You give that to Tamaki, and we'll get this done in a jiffy! Please and thank you!" I blew him a harmless kiss and darted off; hurriedly scanning the last few items.

•4 Litres Avocado body wash
•18 blank DVD discs
•7 plums (no more no less)
•Cashews (not salted - I need to watch my cholesterol)
•That thick, eggy alcohol stuff
•Thin mints
•As much sugar as you can carry
•Eggnog! I meant eggnog!

I honestly wanted to cry a little. If this was going to continue, I'd need to seriously rethink my training regime. I couldn't always rely on the brawn of two of my closest friends.

Together, we managed to almost complete the list, save for one or two things. On the way to the register, I grabbed a handful of chocolate bars and other assortments of candy; hoping I could somehow begin to apologise to Dabi for the night before. Words couldn't describe how bad I felt, nor could they explain the strange, tingling feeling I got when he had held me close.

Maybe it's just because he's always so warm..?

My face reached maximum redness as the cashier scanned the haul through; one by one. Amajiki looked thoroughly concerned; at least more than usual, and Kirishima was just making the place glow with his accomplished smile.
"I..I'm glad you finally agreed to let m...us help, (Y/N)..." The elf-eared boy murmured as we made our way down the street towards my house; each carrying our fair share of bags.
"Thanks heaps, you two. What would I do without you?" I smiled; easily hiding my paranoia.
"Hey! That's my line! I owe you the world after all the help you've given me!" Kirishima grinned; his teeth glinting in the fading sunlight. I barely noticed the dejected whimper that sounded from Amajiki, as I was too preoccupied with my mission at hand.
"All you owe me is at least one great test result, Eiji!" I laughed; turning away only a second before his cheeks began to bloom. 
"C..consider it my life mission, then!"

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