SIXTY THREE: Vermillion

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Two days passed by, and Shigaraki eventually summoned me, explicitly stating that Dabi be left behind.

Of course, that rubbed the ravonet in every wrong way possible, but he complied, simply because he didn't have much of a choice. It took a lot of effort to get him to stay behind, which kind of made me feel happy. It proved that he really cared.

The room Shigaraki had organised as his conference space was dark and eerie, and the sight of the large, rounded table he sat at gave me the heebie jeebies something chronic.
"Sit." His command was stern, yet surprisingly light, and part of me wanted to dash over and plop myself down beside him like an obedient little lapdog, but I resisted, instead moving slowly.

He pulled the chair out once I got close, and I studied him again, now with a much clearer head. The colour change of his hair was one of the most notable differences I could see, and against the dark setting, it seemed to almost glow. Once seated, I swivelled the chair to face him, tilting my head ever so slightly.
"How are you feeling after everything?"

My question appeared to take him a little off guard, and his patched up face twitched along with his widening eye. At least what I could see of it behind Father seemed to.
"I'm...fine. Better than expected, at least..." He mumbled, casting his gaze away before changing the subject. "I called you here because I have a proposition for you..."

A proposition..?

Curious, and slightly nervous, I leaned a little closer, ignoring the slight twang in my ribs, where I was still bandaged.
"I'm all ears." Part of me wanted to be funny and use my quirk to give me an extra pair, but I knew it wouldn't be wise. Leaning back, Shigaraki lifted his legs so his feet rested on the table, the bracee for his left making a much louder thud.

"We have organised regiments for our army, to give it some kind of order, instead of mixed chaos. Each regiment has at least one commander, and I was wondering whether or not you wish to be one of them." He explained, reaching up to adjust the hand on his face. At first, I was shocked that I would even be considered for such a role, then I was honoured, and lastly, nervous.

"A...commander..? Tomura, I mean, I'm flattered, but...I'm not all that bright..." I admitted the obvious, unable to stop myself from swinging the chair side to side. "Wouldn't someone a little more experienced be a better-"
"You proved yourself to me the moment you risked everything to get that twerp back." Shigaraki cut me off, pulling father away and revealing his bandaged, scarred face. "I don't care whether you stayed for Dabi, for Mustard, for me, or for your own personal reasons, but the fact is that you stayed. You stayed and you survived. I count that as valuable."

I knew what he was saying wasn't meant to be personal, but it sure felt that way to me. It was his strange way of saying that he wanted me to stay by his side, the League's side. It felt pretty good to not be doubted for past mistakes.
" really think I'm suited for the position...then I'll accept..." I murmured, giving him a small smile. Shigaraki just stared at me for a few moments, and it was impossible to tell what was going through his head. It had always been that way, but now it was different somehow. Something inside him had changed, be it for better or worse.

"Wonderful. I was hoping you would." What he gave me wasn't quite a smile, but the slight upturn of his lips was enough to consider it one in my books, and I waited for him to continue. "Now, we have each regiment colour coded. That lanky bastard Skeptic can fill you in on all the details, because I really don't want to get into it again, but you...will be commanding a sub regiment."

Even just hearing the word commanding makes me freak out a little...

"Toga and Skeptic are commanding the Vanguard Action Intelligent Regiment, coded Carmine. Their job is to, obviously, collect intel however possible. With your quirk, you fit well in this category." He explained, using vague hand gestures. "The difference, though, is your connection to the bane of my existence. Yuuei high school."

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