SEVEN: One of Us

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It took about an hour and a half of dipping and ducking through stations and side streets to reach our destination, which also meant an eternity of me talking Dabi’s ear off. I think he was relieved when I finally transformed into a cat, but he didn't look overly impressed.

“Can't you look more...intimidating..?” He asked flatly; motioning to my regular domesticated body. I tilted my head and flicked my tail.

But...I'm a cat? I'm supposed to look cute?

“Unless you wanna be turned into a pile of ash, you're gonna wanna look a bit more...villainous…” The ravonette shuffled his feet around; growing impatient.


With a loud snort, I shifted my form into a larger size; not by much, but I was definitely above the average for a regular house cat.

“That'll have to do...come on, Tenderfoot…and try to act like my kind of cat...” He sighed and led me down a set of stairs. The building looked like a bar, and there was a strange scent in the air. It wasn't exactly decay, but not far from it.

Maybe this wasn't my brightest idea…

“This was a horrible idea…” Dabi repeated my thoughts in a quiet mumble; opening another door which led to a dimly lit room.

“You took your damn time…” A coarse, frustrated voice spoke out, and I peered out from behind Dabi to see who we were dealing with. A man sat at the bar; his hair oily, and the colour of pale sea lavender. A hand covered his facial features, but the cracked, flaking skin of his neck made me shudder.

Jeepers...I hope that's just a prop…

“Like I'd rush all the way here to see your fucked up face…” Dabi muttered sourly; walking further inside and taking a seat at the other end of the bar. I padded in after him, but yowled in surprise one I was plucked off the ground by a pair of delicate hands.

“Hey, Burn Unit! Is this your kitty?! He's so cute! And big!” A flushing face pressed up into my muzzle; bright topaz eyes scanning me closely.

I am a lady, thank you very much!

“She's a girl, you annoying jailbait shit...put her down, or you’ll regret it.” The way he spoke was like it was a signal, and I quickly realised he was trying to remind me about acting the part.

Sorry, miss!

A low, almost guttural growl rumbled from my throat; followed by a piercing hiss as I swiped out. The girl almost hurled me across the room, but I managed to leap out of her arms before I was turned into a furry football.

“What is this..?” Again, I was grabbed and lifted up, but this time it was my the scruff. I froze; the pinched hold making me realise exactly who had me.


I managed to growl again, but it came out more like a scared whine, and my tail waved about in the air below me. I could now see his eye through the parted fingers, and it was set in a carmine glare.

“That's my little companion...Fleabag.” I saw Dabi smirk at me, and I growled louder.

You smarmy little..!

No pets...that fucking lizard is enough…” Shigaraki’s nails dug into my skin, and I felt one of his fingers hovering over me in threat. I knew a little about his quirk from what Kirishima and Mina had told me, and I knew if he touched me, it would be game over.

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