I hesitated at first but told him. I couldn't read his expression at the end of my explanation. He gave me a weak smile and told me that it's fine if I didn't want to share it with him! Like what in the world!

Yep, he thinks you're crazy Yolanda.

I kept quiet after that, knowing that I can't convince him, I just wanted to get home. Ten minutes later, I'm saying thanks and goodbye to Winston and also apologizing for getting his seat wet as well as getting him late for his family reunion. He warned me not to wander around at night in that part of town. I remember telling him-
"Don't worry Winston. I'm not making that mistake again" I told him with a double meaning behind it.

Now here I am, thinking about tonight's events, sobbing quietly on the floor. Even Max gave me a perplexed look. I just cuddled my pet, trying to calm myself.

It's ok, Yolanda. Have to be strong. Stop crying! Crying won't solve a thing.

My mind doing it's best to calm me down. Then the strangest question popped into my head.
Would he come back for me?

I shook that thought off and decided to take a warm shower. I stripped of my wet clothes, the cool breeze of the night spreading goosebumps all over my body. I took a long shower which apparently my body really needed.

Unknown's POV

She ran away from me. She got away from me. Why? Is it wrong to deeply love someone?

How could I let her escape? It's ok.... you can get her back. I had the opportunity, the chance to have her! You screwed up! Calm down. Calm down. She's a smart girl so you need to think and act way ahead of her. Then only will you claim what's rightfully yours.

I don't think whatever I planned today was a waste because I got to hold her, get a feel of her skin, her warmth. I got to smell her sweet scented hair which kind of smelt like roses. I got to kiss her soft neck. If only I could capture her lips in mine.

She looked so terrified. Well, I guess I did seem a little creepy but she'll be fine once she knows who I am.

She was so scared that she left her bag and car..... I'll have to return it to her now huh?

Yolanda's POV

I dried off my hair and slipped on a pair of green socks that matched my emerald sweater. I locked all the doors and windows. I just can't take any chances.

My emotions are all over the place. I can't even think straight. I just want to wake up from this nightmare.

I even had to force myself to eat something otherwise I'd feel even weaker. Right now I have to be strong. Now that I'm finally warmed up and filled I can finally rest.

Though I doubt I'd get any sleep because of the three key emotions swirling in me; shock, anger and fear. Fear is the major one, it's really having a huge emotional toll on me.

I should've taken mum's sleeping pills to at least put me to sleep.

I fed Max and lazily walked up to my room. I collapsed on my bed and chose to call Logan but realized that I left my damn phone! What the hell Yolanda?
I released a heavy sigh, mentally scolding myself for acting so foolishly.

It's ok.. he'll realize something is wrong and he'll come over. Don't worry. For now get some sleep.

I listened to my thoughts and closed my eyes to try to fall asleep but I couldn't. My nerves are too shaken up to even think about sleep.

On the other hand, the downpour intensified. Lighting flashed across the dark clouds, followed by the rumbling of thunder.

I tossed and turned on my bed, knowing that forcing myself to sleep is futile.

Maybe watching a movie would help?

I got out of bed and grabbed my blanket incase it got too chilly. Elated about the idea, I descended the stairs and halted instantly when I heard movement coming from downstairs.

Fear surged through me once again as I stood there, listening intently for any sort of sound. The rain made it even harder to focus on the sound. It's either I did hear something or my ears are deceiving me. Most probably it's my ear deceiving me because like I said before, I'm too astounded by tonight but then again I can't take any chances..

I ran back to my room to grab the baseball bat I always keep under my bed. I quietly made my way across the hallway. I stopped again when I heard movement, coming from the living room. I leaned my back against the wall, physically and mentally preparing myself to hit or knock out whoever was there.

I ran into the living room and looked around the room bewildered.

Then I saw the source of the sound. Max. My pet. Max was moving around the living room with his empty food bowl. I sighed in relief and went to refill his bowl which he happily gave to me. He wagged his tail in anticipation and excitement as I placed the bowl by him. I sat down on the couch, placing the bat on the floor.

I chose to watch something humorous, so I went with The hit man's bodyguard. I was ten minutes into the movie when I craved for popcorn. So I made my way to the kitchen in search of it.

I immediately found it in the pantry and threw it into the microwave to pop. My hair hung loose over my shoulder as I waited patiently for the popcorn to pop.

Once done, I poured out it's contents into the bowl. I was about to grab a bottle of water when I noticed something laying idle on the counter. My eyes widened at the sight of it. It's as if the walls began to close in on me, making it difficult to breathe.
Why is that here? If I didn't, then who did?

I cautiously walked over to it to inspect it. The thing that was on my counter was..... my hand bag and car keys.

Wait a minute! Don't tell me...

"You look even more beautiful with your hair loose."

Yep... I'm screwed.


Hello all you amazing people!! 😀

I am back!!

I'm finally back and done with exams

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I'm finally back and done with exams. Who created exams? It is stressful. Anyways....

I apologize for the late update and I'll update as fast as I possibly can🤗. I promise updating sooner and faster.

So..... how was this chapter? Throw in your suggestions.
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Thank you all for your continual support.

Peace you all and take care. Remember, keep clean and practice social distancing.

I'll update soon. Byeee lovelies😊

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