3. Oh My God!

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"Ma'am, is everything alright?" - the girl from behind the desk asked you with worried eyes. You nodded, you were not okay. Everything was falling apart and there was no option left in your hands to make everything right just like before.

"Ma'am, kindly go to the next counter pls, this counter is for the economy class"- the staff said making you more confused, you asked " that's for the business class, what will I do there?"
The girl politely said -" there is a upgradation in your ticket, please go and confirm".

Although you were confused and tired, the thought of travelling in the business class brought a small smile on your face. Without wasting any time you moved from the counter to check if what the staff is right.

After confirming the ticket, you thought, My first business class, yes, atleast something good about this day, and you moved towards the terminal.

After you went inside the airplane, a cabin crew smiled at you and gestured you towards the business class. Your eyes went wide looking at the interiors, wow this is luxurious, forgeting about everything that happened to you for the past few days you grinned slightly. The hostess was kind enough to show you the seat and telling you that she will be there if you need anything.

After placing your two small hand bags at the right place, you relaxed in you comfortable seat. Still there were tear stains present on your cheeks. You tried to divert your mind by looking at your surrounding. Some people were seating in the front, not much people. The seat next to you was empty. You sighed and took out your phone and connected it to your airpods. Playing some chill song you closed your eyes.

"Excuse me"- you heard a deep voice from beside. You slowly opened your tired eyes. Your eyes met with a pair of dark brown orbs, too intimidating. I know him, saw him somewhere, a familiar face- "hello"- your thoughts were cut of by the person.

"Is this yours?"-he picked up a bracelet from the seat beside and you recognised the piece of jewelry immediately. "Yes, that is mine, must have been slipped from my wrist, thank you." Taking the bracelet from him, you looked up to see his face again. I have seen him somewhere, for sure, why can't I remember..

"Are you a sasaeng?" He looked at you asking again "What are those intense glares for?" - you turned your head down quickly. "First of all I am not any kind of creepy stalker, and second I am trying to figure out where have I seen you, could not remember actually, sorry if I made you uncomfortable"- you said that all to quickly and suddenly he started laughing.

"It's okay"- he adjusted in his seat a little and relaxed. "You must not be from Korea?" He asked again.

"No" feeling the awkward atmosphere between you and him you said "Sorry, but your face seems very familiar to me, and I can not remember where and when I have seen you before and this thing is s-somehow bothering me...a-are you some k-kind of celebrity?" Damn stop stuttering.

He smiled a little bit and said "Yeah, I am a musician, you must have seen me in some music videos, nothing big" he moved his right hand forward to you gesturing you for a handshake and shaking hand with you he said "I am Kim Taehyung", with that too deep voice and that's it, your whole nervous system froze hearing that name.

Nothing big my foot, infact a corporate species like me who works 24*7 knows your name, boi, you are The Kim Taehyung, you created the masterpiece winter bear which is I am listening to right now. OH MY GOD! Why am I so dumb that I couldn't recognise you?...

"Alright, stop looking at me like that, close your eyes, rest your eyes a little after all those crying." He said and you nodded and closed your eyes.

Suddenly you realised something, briskly opening your eyes and again looking at the boy you asked "What? How do you know I was crying?"


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