38. Proposal

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One week have passed since the incident. You are much better now. Oindri's health is also in a good condition.

That day after she woke up, and when Jin went to her room, she slapped  him hard because Jin never contacted her after the day they went to dog cafe. She cried for a bit, but Jin hugged her and everything was fine.

Haneul is still in police custody, so there was no more threat of living in your apartment. Police haven't found out what's his motive behind doing those filthy crime because he haven't opened up.

"I am telling you that is not the true theory, mine was correct" you said to Taehyung. You two were alone in your apartment discussing about some dark theories since Oindri went to hospital for regular health checkup.

"Why are you so sure?" He asked you crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because I am sure about everything." You stated.

"Really? About everything?" He asked, suddenly a sulking expression overtook his face.

"Yeah" you said with small voice after looking at him.

"Y/N, will you come with me to Korea?" He asked leaning forward and holding your hand.

"Why should I? What will I do there even if I agree Tae? You are an idol, a person loved by so many. You will become busy once you are back. I will have no job there. I will have nothing there, except you. And you will not be always there to stay with me like this talking about stupid stuffs. And I am not dumb to stop you from being an busy idol." You said. Tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

"Y/N, there will be a lot of things, which will stop me from being near you, but that doesn't mean I will stop loving you thinking all those things!" He said that all to quickly without any filter.

Your eyes became wide in a realisation. "What? What d-did you just said?" You asked him leaning your head slightly so you could look into his eyes.

This time, his eyes became wide and straightened up in his spot. He quickly left your hands and looked other way.

"Tae, look here" you pulled him closer and turned his head towards you. "Tae are you serious?"

"Yes, I am serious, you know what, I love you, yes I really love you, I know you don't think of me the same way. But I really really do love you. I just want to keep my promise of staying with you forever. I really meant it when I said I am never going to leave your side. You might find it quick, but the very first moment I laid my eyes on you, you meant something to me from then. I am sorry, this might overwhelm you." He said.

To be honest, you find him hella attractive. How can you not like him, he is cute, handsome, obviously caring. And he just now said he love you. A complete shock to you. You knew he liked you, like a minor crush which will fade away once he is back to Korea. But this is unexpected. Kim Taehyung confessing his love towards you. All this time you two have spent together made you belive how much of a wonderful guy he is. He also saved your life. But do you love him? You seriously don't know that.

"Y/N say something" he cut the chain of your thought. You were literally staring at his face for a long time. You quickly corrected your posture.

"How can you love me?" You still couldn't believe what was happening.

He cupped your cheeks, wiped away tears on your cheeks with his thumb and was about to say something when-

Ding Dong!

"Wait here, I will check who it is" he said and got up.

After everything he was cautious enough to check who it was from the eyehole. After looking, he had no idea who were they standing outside for the door to be open. There was a middle aged couple standing outside. They looked really harmless. So he decided to open tge door.

"Oh, wrong door, I thought this is my daughter's, sorry!" The man said and turned around.

Daughter? Are they talking about - "Excuse me!" He said. They turned back around. "Are you by any chance talking about Y/N?"

The couple looked at each other with a confused expression and then towards Taehyung. "Who are you?" The man asked him with a serious tone.

That hit Taehyung that they are not happy to see him or in particular to see a boy in their daughter's apartment. He lost words to answer back and stood there clueless.

Then you decided to get up, and see for what Taehyung is talking so time. You pushed Taehyung slightly aside from the door to see who is he talking with. You never expected to see them.

"Mom! Dad! Shit!"

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