46. Plan

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"You are so beautiful" Taehyung complimented you after meeting you at the rooftop of the building. Apparently they had a super busy schedule that day, so it was impossible for Taehyung to take you out on a date. You told him toh meet you on the rooftop if he gets any short free time. It was just past noon when he called you to meet.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" You moved closer to him only to pull him into a hug. "I just wanted to see you and kiss you." He leaned in and pecked your lips.

"Namjoon hyung told me about your boss, are you sure about it?" He pulled away and asked. "There is no one else I could remember of with initials R. Not sure but what if it is him"

He removed some of hair from your face and pushed them behind your ears. " Don't worry " he assured.


"Hyung? What are you doing here?" Taehyung looked at Namjoon and asked.

"Sorry to disturb you guys, but I have something very important to tell. So I asked Oindri where you guys possibly could be and found you guys here-"

"Hyung just say already!" Taehyung stopped Namjoon from rambling further. Namjoon put his hands in his pockets and sighed loudly.

"Y/N, your guess was somewhat right, the person Ron, is in Korea right now."

Thousands of questions came running to your mind quickly. There was no time to waste answering those questions now. You had to act quick. "I lost his phone number, can you provide me his number?" You asked Namjoon.

"Well yeah, I got his personal number, but Y/N you can't confront him like that, we have to be cautious you know." Namjoon was right. You can not just call him and ask him why he did that, you can not accuse someone based on some assumptions, you need proof.

"I need to call him, because I need some proof, and you guys have to help me" you looked at Taehyung and he was already smirking.

"Well, get started!" He turned towards Namjoon and said "tell the boys that fuck schedule" he air quoted the last two words. Namjoon understood and left the rooftop.

"We are going to destroy that piece of rat shit! Get ready babe.. we are going to expose him, put him to jail and help him to rot in it by striking many cases against him. And we are all in this together. This is important than those interviews." He said to you and held your hands. Well, benefits of having a boyfriend. Oh yes 'boyfriend'.


"Googie, can you do that?" Jin asked Jungkook who was getting orders from his hyungs. "Yes ofcourse!" He answered proudly.

You were currently back in that seating area. Everyone was there including two of their managers. "So, do you agree with this Y/N?" Jin asked and you nodded.

"The plan is ready then!" Jimin clapped his hands.

There is no going back, so ready.


A/N - This chapter is short, not much happened in it.
This story is coming to an end.
Hope you are enjoying it!


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