-What happened?

-Are you with everybody?

-No, I'm in my room with Kyle right now. But I can go downstairs and ask everyone to come down.

-Yes, please.

I heard Bri opening her door and screamed at everyone to come downstairs. I heard some of them complain about her always yelling.

-You're on speaker.

-Gabby is officially off her meds, she's been off of them this past few hours. It was the reason why they didn't want her to have visitors.

-Why wasn't I aware of this!?

-Let me finish Bri! She is having it hard. She is in a lot of pain but I think that having you all here will help. I don't mean all of you at the same time but it would be good for her to see her family.

-We can all go tomorrow and take turns so we can talk to her. (Said Mrs. Wolf)

-I will fill in the kids and explain what's going on. (Said Mrs. Roberts)

-That would be great! I don't want them to be scared when they see Gabby... she is not looking her best right now. So if you don't want them to see her like this I would totally understand!

-I want to see Gabby! (The girls said at the same time)

-She's asleep right now, but probably won't be for much longer. I think it's best if y'all wait for tomorrow in the morning.

-Well be there. (Said Mrs. Wolff)

-Yeah, and you and I are gonna talk, Lexi. (Said Bri)

-Yeah, yeah...


*Mean While*

Marsha's POV

Kathy and I haven't really slept since our baby got in the hospital. She keeps waking up in so much pain just to pass out again. I remember when Victor had his, they were stronger since he has been using for years but what is affecting Gabby is the pain her body is going through. Kathy has been stronger this time, I just can't handle it. I should've been the one in that bed, it was my fault. I was the one that fired him in the first place. I should've seen through his lies, I should've looked harder on his background check. Kathy went outside to check on Lexi and Stefania. I grabbed Gabby's hand in mine and kissed her palm. "I am so sorry," I said tears rolling down my cheeks. "I failed, I should've protected you, this is all my fault, I am so sorry," I said in between tears. "Don't cry," Gabby whispered. "None of this was your fault," she said. "Don't blame yourself, he had it out for me even before he knew you," she tells me. "I don't blame you, and I will never do such thing," she said. "I'm your mother, I should've protected you, that's my job," I said. "You protected me all these years mom. It wasn't your fault. None of it. You are here with me now, you and momma are here and that's enough for me. You two did a great job, I wouldn't be who I am today, without you two," she said.

I couldn't help but smile. "Since when are you so wise?" I asked. "I got it from momma," she said. "What!?" I asked her pretending to be offended. "I am much wiser than your mother," I said. "She's gonna love to hear this," she said. "Shh," I said and we both smiled. "Oh no, I'm gonna be sick again," she said. I help her sit up and gave her the bucket. I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. I helped her lay back when she was done. "What happened to Marco?" She asked. "I don't think we should talk about this," I said. "On the contrary, we need to talk about this," she said. "Gabby," I said. "No, mom, I have the right to decide too," she said. "What are you two talking about?" Kathy asked sitting next to me. "Gabby wants to talk about Marco," I said. "And why are we wasting our time talking about that piece of poop?" Kathy asked. "I want to know everything that is going on," Gabby demanded.

I looked at Kathy and she looked at me struggling to decide if we should be talking about this with Gabby. "I deserve to know!" She said raising her voice. "Gabriella watch your tone," I said. "I'm sorry, but I want to know," she said. "The judge is looking into a deserved punishment," said Kathy. "He's looking into spending the rest of his life in prison," I said and the look on my daughter's face was something I have never seen. "That's it?" She asked. "He doesn't get to just get life in prison! Can't our lawyer try and get the death penalty?" She asked and I looked at her surprise. "Gabby, killing him is not the answer. We're taking away his freedom, and he might even reflect on what he's done wrong, everybody deserves a second chance," said Kathy and Gabby shook her head.

She kept shaking her head. "No," she said. "Why does he get a second chance? Huh?" She asked. "He can easily escape and then what? He comes back for me again!? How am I supposed to feel safe knowing that he's still alive and can come for me anytime?" She asked. "He doesn't deserve a second chance," she said. "Wanna know who did!?" She asked. "My sister deserved a second chance, she deserved a better life, she was only 3 when he pulled the damn trigger. She had her whole life ahead of her and he killed her in cold blood and almost killed me!" She said. "I held her small body in my arms, I held her while I bled knowing that she was gone," she said and I noticed that Kathy was crying. "He killed one of my best friends. He killed Lee and she also had to die in my arms. She had a life ahead of her. She wanted to become a doctor, she had so many dreams that had to be cut short because he took that from her," she said. "He killed Susan! The woman he claimed to be the love of his life! He killed my mother and she died in my arms!" She said. "He took my chance to have a mom! He took that from me," she said and I felt like someone stabbed me in my heart. Kathy must have felt too because she squeezed my hand. We are her moms... "He took them from me!" She yelled. Her heart rate was over the roof. "He is evil, people like him never change," she said.

I hadn't realized that I was crying. She screamed out in pain until she passed out. I knew we shouldn't have had this conversation with her. She is not okay, and Marco's court date isn't until next month. "I'm going to go get some fresh air," I said and Kathy grabbed my hand. "It was the pain talking, she didn't mean any of it, we are her moms," said Kathy. I don't know if she was telling me or herself. "I know," I said. I gave her a kiss on her lips caressing her cheek. "We are her moms," I tell her and she nodded. I made my way out of the room and took the elevator up to the rooftop that Lexi mentioned. As the elevator door opened I walked over to the bench and sat down taking deep breaths. I know she loves us but after all, we can't compete with the bond that a mother has with her child... She will always have a bond with her. We... Stop this! What the hell Marsha? A bond my ass! To hell with all that! She is my baby, she is my child. I didn't give birth to her, we aren't blood-related but she is mine.

Susan can say all she wants but it was us that we're there for her. It was us who stay by her bed the whole night when she was sick. We were there at her first soccer game, we were there when she won an award for her grades. We were there when the nightmares were too much and she didn't want to be alone. We were there when she had her first heartbreak. Kathy was the one that taught her how to ride a bike, and I was the one who taught her how to drive. We were the ones to teach her how a family should be like. We showed her a better side of this fucked up world. We gave her the love that Susan didn't give her. She gave birth to her, yes. But it was us that gave meaning to the words mom and momma. She can say she regrets not being there but that's not enough. That's all bullshit. If she really wanted to have a relationship with her, she would've found a better way instead of breaking her heart all over again. She could've talked to me, or Kathy. That's what a mom would've done. She doesn't get to have that title just because she gave birth to her. We earned it. We fucking earned to be call her moms. I know she is dead but I won't let someone that's not even here pushed me away from my daughter because she is mine, and my wife's.

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