Chapter 34: Park

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It's been a week since Clarke asked me to be her girlfriend. And to be honest, I haven't been this happy since. It's Saturday so it means Raven and Octavia are crashing the house.

Me: Clarke, Raven, Octavia stop playing around! If you want us to go to the park you have to get dressed

I sigh as I watch Clarke, Octavia and Raven continue playing the ps4. I feel like their mother

Clarke: Baby I don't want to go anymore

Clarke giggled. As she continue to play

Me: You wake me up early to tell me you want to go play at the park yet you want to play ps4. That's fine. I'll just go sleep and no cuddles for you, you sleep on the guest room tonight.

Clarke sighed melodramatically. She loves cuddles. I walk out towards the bed when Clarke comes running to hug me. I smile.

Clarke: Okay everybody, let's go!

Raven: Whipped

Clarke glares at Raven but still goes to turn off the ps4 and Raven and Octavia grumbled. I shook my head in a quiet laugh when I saw how Clarke wanted some cuddles.

Clarke: Babbyyyy, cuddles!

Me: Come here then

I saw Clarke smile pulling me close to her

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I saw Clarke smile pulling me close to her. I chuckle at her but went ahead to give her some cuddles.

After a couple of minutes of Clarke fighting with Raven and Octavia because the game they were playing wasn't saved, we were all finally ready to exit the house. I notice Clarke had been very reluctant to wear her leather jacket since she was hot (no pun intended), I grabbed it and used it instead. It smells like her so I want to keep it with me all the time. She smiles at me and holds my hand as we walk to the park.

Even though the park was around a 5 minute walk, the heat made Clarke seriously consider taking the car.

Clarke: Why the hell is it so fucking hot? It's January!

Me: Haha, you just warm up real quick babe. It's good tho, since I'm always cold. I can heat myself with you.

I forgot that Raven and Octavia was with us.

Raven: Yea get it Griff. Heat her up huh?

Octavia and Raven laughs. I just roll my eyes and looks at Clarke smirking at me.

Me: Don't encourage them babe.

Clarke: Oh, I'm not. You started it, I'm just amused.

Clarke leans in to me and whispers

Clarke: You cold baby? Want me to heat you up?

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