Chapter 22: Lake

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The day went by fast. There were 2 activities today, the assembly and now the team building. We were grouped in to two. Octavia, Lincoln, Lexa and Monty were in the 1st group. Me, Bellamy, Raven and Murphy are in the 2nd group.

The activity or 'competiton' as what Octavia said, is a relay. It's a 4-part relay where it is timed. The fastest will win.

The game started and the 1st group had a headstart because apparently Bell was too busy checking our Murphy. Lexa, Octavia and Monty were sticking their tongues out to us and we just put our fight mode on. The relay continued and it was just us and Lexa. I felt confident since I'm more athletic than Lexa.

We both ran accross the relay, I was ahead until I hear her scream. I look back and see that one of the sticks gave her a cut in her palm. I quickly went to help her. I ran towards the dude holding a water at just grabbed it to clean up the blood in Lexa's hands. I took off my top, ripped it and cover her wound.

The rest came running to us but stopped when they saw I was handling it

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The rest came running to us but stopped when they saw I was handling it

Raven: Ofcourse Griffin won't let Lexa get hurt.

I just glare at her and everyone including the rest of the Seniors cheer and yelling 'kiss the wound' i see lexa blush.

Principal Jaha: Okay Lexa,...whoa there Griffin put a shirt on.

I look at my body and I was just wearing my sports bra since i ripped my shirt to stop the bleeding in Lexa's hand. Raven tossed me a spare shirt.

Jaha: Okay Lexa, go to the nurse and let that check out. Good thinking, Clarke.

I nod and help Lexa to the medbay.


I got a little bit hurt from the relay and Clarke took care of me like she was about to lose me. Why is she so caring? I admired her, how she knew what to do from cleaning up the wound to wrapping it. Seriously, she did good that the nurse didn't do anything anymore aside from giving it a proper clean and bandage. Abby would be proud at Clarke. I sure am.

It was already after dinner, we were told to go to bed after cleaning up. When Clarke and I went to our room, she asked if I'm sleepy.

Me: Uh, no not really why?

Clarke: Follow me. Come on.

I look at her confused but she just chuckle. We slowly made our way out of camp and she dragged me to the woods.

Me: Clarke, as much as I want adventure, it's dark and we're in the middle of the woods.

Clarke: Oh hush, princess. I know this place. My dad and Jaha were bestfriends. This is were we usually go to when dad and Jaha watch their games.

I smile at how Clarke is freely sharing me stories of her dad now. Before, she always chokes or cries. Now, it's like she's telling it to relieve it or to reminisce.

Clarke holds my hand and I just look at our hands as we walk deeper to the woods.

Clarke: hear that?

Me: hear what?

I panicked thinking there might be someone out there to kill us. She just laughed at me and continued to pull me closer to the sound she was hearing. As we move closer, I hear faint water sounds. In a few steps, I saw a beautiful bright lake with the moonlight. I stare at how beautiful and calming it is.

Clarke: Beautiful isn't it? Dad and I found this place. Only me and him knows how to get here. On our way here, we set up marks to know we're going to the right place.

Clarke stands up and start taking off her clothes. I stare at her very toned body.

Clarke: like what you see, princess?

She smirks and I blush.

Clarke: Come on, let's go!

Me: what do you mean? It's freezing Clarke!

Clarke: dont be a baby. Come on, princess!

I groaned but still removed my clothes. Clarke hold my hand and she carried me on her back. She runs to the lake and I scream at how cold the water is. She covers my mouth.

Clarke: Quiet down, princess. We may be a bit far but small noises can still be heard.

Me: I hate you! This lake is bloody cold.

She was just laughing at me. She saw me shiver and pulled me closer to her

Clarke: Come here, princess.

I put my head in her neck as we hug through the freezing lake water.

Me: Clarke?

Clarke: What is it princess?

I forgot what I was about to say. I just stared at her and she stared at me. It always happens but whenever blue meets green, it's like everything around us collapses. Just us, no one else. I stare at her lips and next thing I know Clarke was leaning in slowly. I want this. I closed the gap and kissed her.

Clarke froze at my sudden movement but quickly kissed me back

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Clarke froze at my sudden movement but quickly kissed me back. Our lips move in snyc. Her lips taste like coffee mint and I would taste it forever. Kissing her feels like fireworks exploding through my entire body. We pull apart for air, but quickly kiss back. Clarke brushes her tongue asking for entrance and I granted. I moan at how her tongue moves dominantly inside my mouth. I can't get enough of her.

We slowly part for air. Resting our foreheads together and not opening our eyes. I slowly open mine and see Clarke's eyes still closed. I give her a peck on the lips and she smiles.

Clarke: Lex, will you go on a date with me?

Me: I would love that

We kissed again but this time, only short and sweet. We go back to the campsite with our hands intertwined. We go to bed with the biggest smile on our faces, cuddling.

It's just us.


End of Chapter 22.

They kissed!! They kissed!! I finally made them kiss. Haha

They're going on a date, soon. Any ideas for date night?

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xx lovelots

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