Chapter 51: My Baby

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Raven, Octavia, Lexa, Anya and Luna said Clarke is back in LA. My Baby is back. For years, I thought my daughter is dead. I don't understand why she stopped communicating to us. The only thing I know is that her heart got broken. I thought she only needed space. But that space turned to days, to weeks, to months, to years. And now 5 years later, she's back. I don't care what her reasons were. I just need my Clarke back.

I made my way to the hospital since I got paged for an emeregency operation. It took me 6 hours to finish the emergency surgery. I came to the hospital at around 3am and now it's pass 9am. My shift will start in an hour so i decided to go sleep in the Attending's On Call Room.

On my way there, a nurse paged me to the lobby. It wasn't a 911 so I walked slow since I was tired. My shift ended last night at 10pm. So imagine waking up at 3am to do a long surgery just to start another 12hr shift.

I arrived at the lobby and the nurse pointed at me. I look at the girl infront of her, and I know who she is.

Me: Clarke?

I ran to my baby.

CLARKE POVI've been here in LA for longer than expected

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I've been here in LA for longer than expected. Niylah and Marie flew back to Paris 3 days ago. Niylah needed to go back to work and Marie has her tutorials.

I wanted to go back to Paris more than anything. I'm missing work too because of this. But I have to find her.

Just like everyday, I come to the hospital. But everytime I come here, it's like fate hates me. She's always at home or in a surgery. Today, i decided to be earlier than I used to come, maybe I can get a chance to talk to her

Me: Bonjour, is Dr. Griffin in already?

Nurse: Yes, ma'am. Do you have an appointment?

I've been coming here for days and this nurse haven't memorized me yet.

Me: No I don't. I just need to talk to her.

Nurse: I'm sorry maam, but hospital policy.

Me: I've been coming here everyday for the past week. Why haven't you thought that I'm not here to do anything bad?

Nurse: Sorry ma'am, it's out of my hands.

I groan as I make my way outside. On my way out, I bumped into a doctor.

Dr: Oh sorry, miss. My fault.

Me: désolé, monseiur. (Sorry sir) I wasn't looking at where I'm going.

Dr: Oh you're French. Enchanté, madameoiselle. (Nice to meet you, miss)

 (Nice to meet you, miss)

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